Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What's for Dinner Wednesday

I got this idea from my friend Krista but I have not been able to participate thus far because well...let's face it, Mac and Cheese just isn't all that glamorous. I will however, include the instructions for the dinner meal that got me the highest accolades of "YOU ARE THE BEST MOM EVER!" from both Hope and Hallee - Ready? First, you will need a small bowl. Pour about 3/4 cup of favorite cereal (Tootie Fruities work well), and then cover with milk. WHALA! There you have it!

This next one is super easy and is FABULOUS! Thanks for the recipe Jessica.


1 can (16 oz) pinto beans, undrained

1 can corn, undrained

1 can (16 0z) white beans, undrained

1 sm. jar or pint of salsa

1-2 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded

1/2 pkg. powdered Hidden Valley Ranch dressing

1/2 pkg. taco seasoning

1 can chicken broth

Combine all ingredients. Heat through. To serve, add bottled ranch dressing, tortilla chips, sour cream, cheese and avocado.

Hallee's verdict, (and I quote), "ARE YOU FREAK'N KIDD'N ME? THIS IS THE BEST SOUP I HAVE EVER HAD!"
Hope's verdict, "I don't like this, I want cerwal" Keep in mind, this was before she TRIED it.

TIPS: I also add black beans and my secret ingredient - fresh salsa from Costco. It is FULL of cilantro and other herbs and spices that are KILLER! I had to make a meal for someone in the ward so I just added an extra can of chicken broth and there was MORE than enough to feed both our families. YUMMY!

Okay blogging buddies - your next! What's on your dinner menu? I'll be checking your blog next Wednesday!


Brooke said...

I am so impressed, Jami. Seriously! I've been inspired! We are going to Island Park for a few days, and I'm in charge of dinner tomorrow... Perfect timing! Thanks for the recipe. Oh, but don't expect anything fabulous and delicious coming from my blog anytime soon. Bennett told my Mother-in-Law that his favorite dinner I make is Chicken Cordon Bleu. She was impressed until she found out it's actually the little frozen variety that I bake and serve. Oops!

Post-it Notes said...

That soup sounds super yummy! Im gonna have to try it. My favorite is your first recipe for cereal though... thats my kinds of dinner!

Renzello said...

This is a good idea! I am going to try to remember to post my dinner! Looks like a good recipe! I laughed so hard about the cereal recipe! You're awesome!

Unknown said...

You will be great at the 12-14 year old. How did my grandkids get to be so cute. Love Dad