Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Concert pictures

Who knew how much work it would be to get four little girls ready for their big dance concert? My friend Tara and I decided to team up together in hopes of positive peer pressure coming to our aid. I think I got the better end of the deal with Tara's expertise in hair and make-up while I played crowd control. The hardest part was keeping our three year olds from crying (leaving a stream of black mascara down their face), pulling on their costumes (which would result in a tragic tear in their tights) or rubbing their make-up all over their cute little faces. If you look closely, you'll notice I was not so successful with Hope. Clouds of black surround her eyes but all things considered - it's not so bad.

After a two hour tug a war with hair and make up the girls looked beautiful and their moms well...not so much. I think we were dripping with sweat and near exhaustion but we pulled it off. We have however, declared that our youngest girls will NOT be allowed to pursue the dance field. That just might put us over the edge. Bring on the soccer mom!

Christmas Concert

Beautiful, magnificent, and hilarious..... All of which could describe the girls Christmas dance concert. The latter best describes Hope's very first dancing debut at the ripe ole age of 3! Don't get me wrong - she did great. She managed to do every single step in the routine - just in her own order and way. All the while with her train conductor hat down in her eyes and the elastic that was suppose to be under her neck right smack dab across her face. All I can say is enjoy the show...

(You will want to hit the pause button on my music playlist on the left before watching videos)

Hope is the smallest one on the very end.

Hallee practiced like crazy to be ready for her big performance. I love to watch her come alive on stage. My once shy little girl can now get up in front of hundreds of people and dance her little heart out.

Hallee is right in the middle on the second row. After the groups come back on stage she is on the front row, 2nd from the left.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

So much to do, so little time

Well, the race is on. Christmas is right around the corner and my list of things-to-do seems to grow each day. How is this possible? I'm not a procrastinator - in fact I take pride in my organized holiday calendar. And yet, it still seems to happen every year. It's those little pain-in-the neck errands to run, the "oops" I forgot a neighbor gift for so and so, the "oh, crud" when am I going to squeeze in my visiting teaching and the most lovely of all... the THREE unexpected root canal appointments that had to be squeezed into my schedule. AND I just got back from the doctor and found out that little Hopers has strep throat. Lovely!
I have so much to post, but too little time. I have pictures of the tree, all our holiday festivities, cute videos of the girls dance concert and oh so much more. But, I guess you will all have to wait in suspense. Right now, my "list" is haunting me as I prepare to leave for Bear Lake tomorrow and not return until 11:30pm Christmas Eve. Enough said.
I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! And just remember when you are up at 2:00am wrapping presents and making those special holiday dishes - you are in good company!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Ode to my mother

I've always known it but I'm not sure I have truly appreciated it...until now. Maybe it has taken me three kids to fully grasp it, or maybe it's that I'm just older and wiser now. I'm talking about how unbelievably AMAZING my mother is. I'm not just saying it in the "mothers-day-card" type of way; I am saying it with complete astonishment ,admiration and disbelief. I am not sure how one person can do so much. I can't understand how one person with SO much to do can still keep a smile on her face. I am amazed at how one person with SO much to do, with a smile on her face STILL gives a 110% to everything and everyone.

Just in the past few months she has taken numerous family photos, created, designed and in some cases even printed Christmas cards for any and everyone who has asked. She has devoted hundreds of hours (literally) creating a printable digital scrapbook of my grandfathers life history. She continues to serve as the Stake Relief Society President truly giving all of her time, talents and energy to those she serves. All this, AND she still works as a nurse in labor and delivery.

Currently, she is preparing her home for the arrival of an extra fifteen sleep-in house guests with another nine or ten pop-ins for the holidays. She has spent every spare second over the last two weeks cooking and freezing meals in preparation of our invasion! And on top of it all, she graciously volunteers to watch my three kids this past weekend so I would not have to stress about a babysitter!

She truly is one of the most amazing people I have ever known. My greatest accomplishment in life would be to turn out even remotely like her. I have so much to learn, so much energy to acquire, and patience to gain before I can even be on the right track.

Thank you Mom for being such a wonderful example! I love you and I know I don't tell you enough just how truly amazing you are.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Let them be little

I've encountered an interesting and unexpected dilemma this Christmas. I find myself struggling with what to get Hallee. As she enters her sixth year of life I notice her teetering between a little girl and a (what do you call 6-10 year olds)? Her wish list this year spans from the Cheetah Girls, Hanna Montana, and HSM all the way down to the Littlest Pet Shop toys. I have to smile at the picture of Troy Bolton hanging on her wall but I can't refrain from thinking about covering it up with a Hello Kitty poster instead. I know it is only a matter of time before an I-pod and cell phone make their way onto her list so this year I made a conscious decision to let her be little for what I hope is not the last time. Bring on the Littlest Pet Shops!

Sunday, December 9, 2007


It's now two hours after my last post and the "Naughty List" talk struck once again. Yes, Hope's tears reappeared at Hallee's mention of the dreaded naughty list. Troy and I get quite a kick at the seriousness of their mutual naughty list threats on one another. Finally, the conversation escalated until Hallee yelled in disgust; "FOR THE LOVE OF PETE SAKES! DO WE HAVE TO GO OVER THIS AGAIN!?"

The Naughty List

After watching the movie "ELF" for the 412th time my girls (and particularly) Hope have become obsessed with who and how one finds themselves on Santa's NAUGHTY LIST. Take, for example, a recent conversation between Hope, Hallee, and I.

Hallee: "Hope - you are on the naughty list!"
Hope: "No, I'm not! MOM! Am I on the naughty list?"
Me: (Picking up the play cell phone sitting on the couch) " Hmmmm," I say with great concern. "I better call Santa and find out!" I dial the number and have an interesting conversation with Santa as my three year old watches in horror. I hang up. "Well, he says you better watch out, and not cry because you might end up on the naughty list." I pleasantly hang up the phone confident that I have just bought myself a few days of good behavior.
Hope: (Grabs the phone and dials furiously. Tears start running down her face.) " HELLO, SANTA? I AM GOING TO SPANK YOUR BOTTOM AND PUT YOU IN TIME OUT IF YOU PUT ME ON THE NAUGHTY LIST!" Slams the phone down and starts to sob. much for that idea.