Monday, August 31, 2009


I'll admit it. I am a failure. 100%. You can all take back your congratulations and encouraging words because we are back in diapers.

Things went from good to bad to worse last week. Caymbree stopped telling me all together that she had to go potty and became utterly traumatized by sitting on the toilet at all. The routine was the same for three days. Force child to sit on potty. Watch her scream bloody murder at the top of her lungs for up to forty minutes. Take child off potty. Watch her pee down the hall. It was maddening!!! It got so frustrating that I started doing everything the "experts" tell you not to. She started getting really needy, wanting to be held constantly and reverting back to baby like behavior. After three days of us both being completely miserable I gave up. I'll admit it. I wimped out. I just was not worth the fight.

So she is back to diapers. Happy as ever. I am back to buying diapers. Not so happy.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Potty Diaries


8:00 am Signs hung on all bathroom doors courtesy of big sisters8:15 am SHOWING OFF THE BIG GIRL PANTIES 8:20am LET'S WATCH THE BABY GO POTTY

A mere FIVE false alarm potty trips at Hobby Lobby. A face of panic on the car ride home but shows signs of serious bladder control as she held it until we got home. Yipee!!!!

RESULTS: A semi-potty trained big girl!!!! Stay tuned...

Limo, lunch and a belated birthday

The day after Troy received his job offer we were down stairs working in the basement when I heard the DJ on the radio talk about a free lunch giveaway they were doing. All that was needed was an e-mail saying why you deserved the free lunch. I thought it was a worth a shot and sent off the following e-mail.

My husband was laid off from work back in May. He received a job offer yesterday!!!! We owe a HUGE thank you to our friends and family who were absolutely unbelievable during this time. They provided many meals, ice cream and treats left on our doorstep, countless babysitting hours, and shoulders to cry on. Lunch at Lonestar would be the PERFECT thank you for them!!!

A few minutes later while I was in the shower Troy got a phone call from ShotGun Jackson at Kbull 93 telling him congratulations on his new job. (I wish I could have seen his face because he had no idea I had sent the e-mail in). Mr. Jackson said that the e-mail hit a soft spot and therefore TA-DUM...We were the lucky winner of a limo ride and free lunch for six!
The limo picked us up in front of my house and took us on a 20 minute ride to LoneStar Steakhouse. Troy and our friend Steve met us there for lunch.

Apparently they didn't get my memo about having a bucket of diet cokes chilled on ice prepared for the ride. Dang.
The lunch and limo event just happened to fall on the same day that we were going out to celebrate Josie and my birthday. Our birthday's were the first of July and we have had one heck of a time trying to do this birthday event so we were not about to reschedule.

Fabulous friends, a little shopping and good food. What more could you ask for?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our Story

Oh I don't even know where to begin. Maybe that's why this post is LONG, LONG overdue. I mean what is there to say when your husband gets laid off from work. That's exactly what happened 3 1/2 months ago when (in my eyes) our world was turned upside down temporarily. However, I am happy to announce that he is once again EMPLOYED!!! It has been an incredible journey and I cannot believe I am saying this but one we would not trade for the world. We have been so incredibly blessed through this experience and I want to make sure I record my thoughts and feelings about our story.

So many lessons were learned along the way. FIRST, the Lord works in mysterious ways. A few months before Troy lost his job he started talking about wanting to find a job that would be more conducive to family life. In our 13 years of marriage he has worked nights and weekends all but about three of those years. We started asking in our prayers to find opportunities that would allow this schedule to change. Be careful what you pray for.

SECOND, people are unbelievable generous and kind. We were completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from our friends, family and neighbors. It was truly amazing and humbling. We were provided countless dinners, treats and gifts left on our doorstep numerous times, anonymous gift cards in our mailbox, hours and hours of babysitting while I worked and on and on. On one particular day we got the news that a job that had basically been promised to Troy had fallen through. It was devastating. We firmly believe that it was not coincidence that a neighbor showed up on our doorstep a few hours later with an incredibly generous gift and card to let us know they were thinking about us. I believe in angels.

THIRD, so many tender mercies from the Lord. Like how a painter was scheduled to come finish our basement the very next day after we got the axe. It would have taken a big chunk out of our savings and made things a lot more stressful! The timing was perfect. Or how Troy had his car up for sale for a few weeks before the "day" but we really hadn't received many calls on it. However, three days later a lady called, looked at it, and bought it for the FULL asking price. Or how I have judged more competitions this year than I EVER have and just happened to actually SAVE the money (this is a miracle in itself!). Or, how I was able to start substitute teaching the very next day and pretty much every day thereafter to provide a little bit of income for our family. We have been truly blessed.

FOURTH, my husband is the ultimate optimist!!! His faith is unbelievable. He is my rock! I, on the other hand had a few rough moments but I am a woman and I am allowed to be a little more emotional about the situation right??

FIFTH, We were not alone in our journey. We found out really fast that we were not the only ones in this predicament and know so many people in our same situation or other situations of financial stress. It was a wonderful support group and comfort. For those of you still there please know we pray for you by name.

SIXTH. Trials come in all shapes and sizes. I will stick with mine.

Ironically, in a matter of two days Troy received two and two 1/2 job offers. The two "1/2" offers basically told him that they had chosen him but the process was going to take a little longer than they expected. One of those is his "first" choice and the concrete offer was his "second" choice. The blessings poured in that day.

For now Troy has started with a company that does corporate finance. He is really enjoying it and says it is a great company to work for. And most of all, it provides the kind of schedule we have been praying for.

A mere "thank you" does not do justice to what we owe so many of you out there. But I'm not sure anything would be adequate. Please know that your kindness, love and generosity have changed us forever. And we will forever be grateful.


4.75. That's how many years it took before we could give Hope her first official haircut. I have been hoping all summer that it would grow enough on the sides that we could start to even it all out and get rid of the mullet effect. While in Logan I took a sister /(in-law) poll to see if we should make the cut or not. Her hair is so thin and stringy that we worried it might not give us the effect we wanted by cutting it. I think we talked so much about it that we freaked Hope out and by the time WE were ready to do it, SHE wanted NOTHING to do with it. Finally, I told her I would take her to the store and let her pick out anything she wanted if she would let Aunt Adree cut it and she reluctantly agreed. Her prize of choice...GUM! Now that's a prize I can handle! It turned out SOOOOO cute and fits her sassy personality. Like when we were walking out of a store and I said, "Hurry up Hope," to which she replied with head bob and all "Listen Dufuss. I AM hurrying!" I, as well as many others within ear shot burst out laughing before I started the scolding of course.
OR how last night when I asked her to finally put away all the stuffed animals she has had out for a "sleepover" for the past month because "it's just time to clean up the mess" , she replied, "Well, Mom. I can appreciate that but I am just not ready to do it yet." Say What????

She quite digs the new cut as well and frequently requests her own personal photo shoot. The girl does not lack in the confidence area. Gotta love it!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Loving Logan

I think in the education world I just may have received the title of "loser mom" of the year. Hallee had only been in school for three days and I pulled her out for a day and a half to go enjoy some family time in Logan. I know. I am a teacher. I should know better. But really, it's only second grade right? RIGHT??? I mean, LOOK at what my kids would have missed out on? How could I pass this up??? My parents backyard was a kids paradise with the canal being really low right now.
We drove into town on Thursday night and met up with my family and cousins for a little boating and water fun. Hallee had her first experience on a water tube. I wasn't sure how much/little to tell her. Was she aware that there was a REALLY good chance she would fall off and be floating by herself in the middle of a lake with dark water??? Nah.

Seriously. How cute is this? Second generation cousins (is that what you call your cousins kids?)that love each other like the best of friends. Priceless.

And finally, Saturday was spent with 180 pretty much strangers at an official family reunion. You know. The ones where minutes are read, families give the annual updates, and you walk around wondering who the heck all these people are. Ya. That kind. Let's just say it probably wasn't the highlight of our Logan trip. But I'm not complaining.

Good Times

What do you do when the weather drops from 90 degree highs down to 60 degree highs??? Jump ship and head up to a fabulous cabin with fabulous friends. There was fun to be had by all with a little friendly competition, ash face painting, hours and hours of time on the swings and an amazingly beautiful four wheeler ride.

The scenery was SPECTACULAR, the company was amazing and relaxation level was tip top! It helps that the cabin is about three times the size of my house, has a top floor completely devoted to a toy room and a basement floor devoted to a game/arcade room. The only time I laid eyes on my children was to eat and sleep. It was marvelous!!

I am still not sure how we managed to find friends that also have THREE girls all within 9 months of the ages of our girls. We are quite the sight when we go places and it is not uncommon to hear the whispers and surprise of those we encounter. Our girls get along so well, Troy and Steve bond over their never-to-be-had sons, and Tara and I spend lots of time trying to figure out how to deal with the drama and emotion of girls.
Caymbree (age 2), Jovie (age 2 3/4), Trinity (age 8), Hallee (age 8 1/2), Grace (age 5) and Hope (age 4 1/2).

Friday, August 7, 2009

Miss me????

I'm still here. Just busy. Really busy. Sneak Preview of things to come....
Good news! Free Lunch, lots of fumes, big changes for one of us, and a whole lot of fun. Curious....Stay tuned....