Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Girls Night Out

GOOD FOOD, GOOD FRIENDS, UNBELIEVABLE DESSERT and a little CRAFTING. Now that's what I call rejuvenating. We celebrated Jessica's birthday at Mimi's cafe and then came back to my house and ate ourselves sick with dessert. Here's a little secret....forget the fondue chocolate- just get the hot fudge and caramel ice cream toppings and pull out any and everything from the pantry. The biggest hits were brownies dipped in caramel and bananas double dipped in chocolate and caramel. And don't worry, past 10pm it all turns fat free!
In November we made Christmas signs and they were such a big hit we decided to do them for more holidays. They are quick and easy and can be modified for any occasion. Just grab a board from Lowes or Home Depot (they will cut it for you if you want), paint and sand the edges, put a little stain over it and then modge podge your favorite scrapbook paper on top. You can then buy the paper mache letters from a craft store, paint them and hot glue them on and THAT'S IT! (Spray paint cuts your time in half if you can find the color you want). Happy Crafting!


JLJ said...

What a fun girls night! I shouldn't be reading about chocolate after 9 am; this is when I'm most weak. And very cute idea with the holiday boards.

Chelsea said...

how fun! and darling crafts!!! thanks for the invite to your blog:) I will love seeing your cute little family!

Adree said...

I love those!!! Maybe I should just pay you to make mine. I'll never be able to find cute paper like that out here.