Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the best dad in the whole world! We are so blessed to have you in our lives. Thanks for being such a hard worker, providing for our family, and making us laugh!

{And thanks for being such a good sport on my impromptu daddy-daughter photo shoot}

And as long as the camera is out we might as well snap a few more...

Bear Lake

Holy cow. What a weekend! We took a quick trip up to Bear Lake to celebrate Fathers Day and Troy's dad's birthday. I can't believe how much we packed into our short stay but the kids were in HEAVEN!! Tom and Diane gave Caymbree a Hanna Montana guitar for her birthday. I'm not sure she has put it down since.

There is no greater place to fly a kite than Bear Lake. The wind never disappoints! The girls took turns learning how to fly it.

As an added bonus Tom's friend is keeping his horses on the property so the girls got to go on horse rides. The shocker of the weekend was Caymbree actually riding the horse. For a girl who is terrified of animals up close and personal this was a HUGE accomplishment.

The weather was beautiful but the lake was FREEZING although it didn't stop the girls for one second from diving right in.

On top of all that we actually fit in a boat ride, some time at the pool, rides around the park in the golf cart, four wheeling, and even some down time.

Oh and let's not forget the massive water balloon fight that kicked off Saturday morning. It turned out "US" against Troy and ended....

with "US" victorious!

Thanks for a wonderful weekend Tom and Diane! We love you tons!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dance baby dance!

This year Hallee's school did a dance program where each grade was assigned a different genre of dance to perform. Hallee's grade was assigned the Virgina Reel. (Think square dancing).Hallee did a marvelous job and was not shy at all about having to partner with a BOY... And of course we did our part as parents to tease her relentlessly about it.

Monday, June 7, 2010


My idea of camping is our family cabin up Logan Canyon that includes running water, flushing toilets, stores 20 minutes away and most of all LOTS OF SUN!! Our camping trip over Memorial Day weekend was kind of a stretch for me and boasted none of the luxuries mentioned above. I have to admit I was a little apprehensive as our sliding car trudged through the mud just to get to the campsite. Add the rain and then the freezing cold and it could have been a serious bust. Good thing I was in good company with my family and cousins.!

One day it was so cold that we pretty much had to stay hunkered down in the trailers. When the sun would peek out the trailers would empty so we could enjoy the warmth. Luckily the weather improved as the trip went on.

A little target practice. Yes, that is me holding a gun. Scary I know.

Troy giving Hallee a little help with her aim.

The scenery was BEAUTIFUL and we did a LOT of four wheeling.

Surprisingly, Caymbree couldn't get enough of riding and begged anyone and everyone to take her.

I told Caymbree it was time to start getting ready for bed. She looked around, grabbed this branch and said, "No Mom. I's gonna get you" as she started at me with the tree. It didn't take her long to turn her attention to the other kids in the camp. She thought she was pretty darn funny.

Hallee and Jayden came back COVERED in mud after one of their four wheeling excursions. Literally, covered. Hallee had chunks of mud in her hair and on her face.
My parents graciously gave up a little peace and quiet to let us bunk up with them. The girls had a blast and tender memories were made.

No Caymbree didn't share the bed with my parents but somehow she always managed to wheezle her way in with them for a quick story and snuggle.

It was tons of fun but I have to admit I am looking forward to our next "camping" experience back at the cabin soaking our feet in the river and complaining about the heat. Ahhhhh...the warmth. I can feel it all ready.


I'm pretty sure my kids were define BLISS as a carefree showerless weekend roaming a mountainside with their COUSINS. Who could ask for more?


We managed to sneak a trip in to the zoo while the girls were off track. The weather was perfect and the animals were playful. I drug my zoo-hating friend and her three girls along and I think I just may have softened her heart about the zoo. See...all smiles.
First stop. MONKEYS. I thought Caymbree was going to be ecstatic. Instead, she was terrified. Apparently she didn't trust the rope/net cage and was convinced the monkeys were going to get her. We were not off to a good start. She finally started to ease up but she didn't quite trust the animals. Turning her back to them was a big gamble. (Just check out her body language in the picture below).
Sweet picture. Yep. That green thing to the side of Hallee's head is a snake wrapped up around a tree. The black dots are the eyes. CREEEEPPPPYYYY!
Favorite candid moment of the trip. I was snapping away at Hope watching this monkey when all of the sudden it leaped from the branch right at her and pressed it's face up to the glass. She screamed and then started laughing hysterically.
All the animals seemed to be in playful moods and this peacock had NO problem strutting her stuff for the girls.
Hope was little miss photographer. We gave her our old camera and she took 369 pictures at the zoo. I'm pretty sure each and every animal was accounted for and Troy was able to get a first hand look at her zoo experience when she made him sit down and look at all 369 pictures.

Caymbree had us all in stitches when she looked up and saw the giraffes, looked back at us and then said in a deep gruff voice, "Dat Jaff look at me and say what da heck!" Your probably right Caymbree. Your probably right.