Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I think I lost a few brain cells while I was sick resulting in a number of almost tragic mishaps and blunders. Last week I forgot about "wear your pj's to preschool day" until I went to pick Hope up and saw all the kids in their pj's. My heart sank and I braced myself for the scene that would have followed had this been my firstborn. I bravely walked up to the door and explained to her teacher what a dunce I was and asked if Hope was okay. She laughed and said, "she was fine." "In fact, she walked in, looked around and said, "Why are you guys wearing your pajama's? Don't you know your not suppose to wear your pajamas to preschool?"

And that was that.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hello world...I'm back.

Whew. Glad this week is over. It's been a little crazy. It all started last Saturday when I started feeling like something just wasn't quite right. I figured I was coming down with a cold but by Sunday morning I couldn't even get out of bed. I hurt all over, had a fever of 102, and had swollen glands the size of Texas. I was MISERABLE!!!! I am still claiming I caught it via the blog world :) I was down and out Sunday and most of Monday before I could drag myself to the doctor to get medicated. Troy gets the husband of the year award and was super dad while I was sick. As fate would have it he had both Saturday, Sunday AND Monday off which was a HUGE blessing. Between him and my friend Tara I didn't even lay eyes on my girls for three days. Troy waited on me hand and foot. Now, for those of you in tears of jealousy I will just tell you that it has not always been that way. The last time I was on my deathbed and Troy was less than stellar HE ended up coming down with the same thing and apologizing profusely for not being more sympathetic.

Anyway, by Wednesday I had no choice but to be better because I had to drive 2 1/2hours to judge a Region Drill Team Competition in Richfield. I left at 1pm and didn't get home until 11:00 pm. Not the best way to recover from Strep but what do you do. Thursday night I judged a region at Cottonwood and I just got home from judging in Nephi today. I judge State next Saturday and then the drill team season is officially OVER.

Well, I survived the week and owe a HUGE thanks to the many people who helped out. I am so grateful for amazing friends who are my family away from home. Thanks for the calls, the food, and all the help with my kids. YOU ARE THE BEST!

Conversations with Hope

While eating lunch at Arby's yesterday Hope noticed a table full of police officers. When we sat down Hope said very seriously. "Mom. We better not stand up while we are eating." (Usually I say, "sit down girls" at least twelve times during the meal). And then the conversation went as follows...
Me: "Why Hope?"
H: "See those police officers over there? They have guns. And if we stand up, they might shoot us?"
Me: (Laughing of course). No Hope. They won't shoot you. Policemen are here to protect us.
H: "Ya they will. If you break the rules, they will shoot you."
Me: "I promise they won't shoot you Hope. (More laughing). Then I notice that she won't take her eyes off of them for too long. Better safe than sorry right? Then she says, "See that thing on their shoulder? You know what that is for? Then she pretends like she has one and she "radios" some information.
Me: "How did you know that."
H: "I saw it on Mall Cop."

Pretty entertaining.

Another favorite conversation....
H: "Hey mom. Who are you in love with?"
Me: "Dad."
H: "So you want to kiss him?"
Me: "Ya, I like to kiss him."
H: "I'm in love with Cody (boy down the street that she talks to once a year).
Me: "Really?"
H: "Ya, I'm gonna kiss him and marry him someday."
Me: Speechless. Okay. Speechless with a lot of laughter, and a little concern.

Conversation with Hallee

While dropping Hallee off at dancing yesterday the conversation went something like this....

"Mom, you need to go get ice cream while I am at dancing so dad can make us shakes tonight."

Me: "I'm all over it Hallee. I already picked some up today."
H: "What kind?"
M: "Vanilla."
H: "No, I know that but the kind in the box or the kind in the bucket?"
M: "The one in the box."
H: "MOM!!!! You need to think this through better. The one in the box only lasts like ONE time. It's a total waste of time and money!"

Me: Speechless.....

Friday, January 9, 2009

Junk Food Junkies

Houston...we have a problem. My children are addicted to treats. Mostly Caymbree and Hope. You know it's bad when your 18 month old starts to flat out refuse dinner and cries for candy and treats instead. It only takes a matter of seconds for her to hear the pantry door open and she is right there at my feet crying and pointing in the direction of anything containing an absurd amount of sugar. Then there is Hope. Hope asks for a treat (snack) at least 15 times a day and by the ninth or tenth time it becomes more of a whine then a request. Things have gotten out of control.

So here we are on day three of my junk food nazi routine. The girls are allowed a SNACK around 10:30am, 2:00 pm and again when Hallee gets home from school at 4:00. So far the withdrawal effects have not been near as bad as I expected but we do still have the occasional throw yourself down on the floor, roll and thrash around at the base of the pantry door from Caymbree and a few whiny tears from Hope. The great side effect has been that it has made me re-think the snacks that I buy and even makes ME more aware of when and what I am snacking on.

Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.

Oh, and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Happy Birthday Jessica!

Jess - Can I tell you again how glad I am that it is your birthday! Last night was a much needed-long overdue- girls night out of shopping and dinner. I got the giggles after we dropped you off thinking about the Neil kidney stone story, Tara's barfing birthday story, Josie's unbelievable memory and my lack thereof about my own child's birth. Thanks for a great night out girls!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Random Happenings

Just a few random happenings at the Hodges Home....

Hanna Montana came to visit. Yes, Grandma Larsen the Christmas money you gave her was well spent. She has not taken off this wig since she bought it and even went to play at her friends house tonight ....WITH the wig on.
Hanna Montana on drugs????

And for those of you with weak stomachs...look away now. Troy just about cut off his thumb working on the basement. We were minutes away from walking out the door to head to Logan and he thought he would go kill a few minutes downstairs. Next thing I know, I see blood and a white faced husband. No need to worry. It's super glued together. :)

Happy Birthday Hallee!!!

Hallee scored big time this year with not just a birthday but a weekend worth of birthday celebrations. A few months ago when we were trying to decide what to do for her birthday she said that all she wanted was to go to Logan to celebrate with her cousins. So the day after Christmas I loaded up the car and headed to Logan for the THIRD time in seven days. We met up with some of her cousins at the Fun Park in Logan for a rip-roaring impromptu party. She had a blast playing on the soft play and the arcade games and watching her grandpa and uncles try to win "tickets" for her playing Deal or No Deal.

Also while we were there my dad invited her to go shopping with him to pick out a birthday present for my Grandpa at Cal Ranch. While they were there he told her she could pick out anything she wanted for her birthday. I'm pretty sure he didn't know what he was getting himself into. After carefully scoping out each and every isle she still wasn't sure she had found the perfect thing. He suggested a pair of pink cowboy boots to which she replied, "Na, my mom always makes me match. If those don't match, she would never let me wear them." Nice.

After some deliberation she decided just to wait. As they were driving home one of them (not sure on who) suggested Old Navy. Now, this may not seem like a big deal but have I mentioned how much my dad HATES to shop. Like break out in a cold sweat and get a stomach ache, HATES it. So he walked into Old Navy for the first time in his life to let Hallee pick out something. Apparently, she even knows her size. Too funny. What I would've given too see the two of them shopping at Old Navy. Dad, you're the best!

On the morning of her actual birthday we woke her up and surprised her by taking her to IHOP for breakfast.

During breakfast we told her about her second surprise! After years of begging, Troy had finally agreed to let her get her ears pierced. She was SO excited and a little nervous.

While unwrapping her presents she got her third surprise. Tickets to go to the Broadway musical WICKED with mom and dad. She has wanted to go ever since Troy and I went in California but we kept telling her she was too young. Aren't we tricky!

We ended the evening with a sleepover with her friend Trinity. They had fun playing High School Musical Dance on the Wii, making, decorating and eating cupcakes, and texting on the text messagers that Trinity gave her.