Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hallee's Art Gallery

Hallee's school had a KINDERGARTEN GALLERY WALK the other night and invited parents to come check out their students work. Hallee was so excited and talked about it all week long. On the day of the gallery she came home from school with a massive fever and a horrible cough. I told her she just needed to stay in for the night which pretty much crushed her little soul. Finally, after a good nap I told her we could run over ten minutes early before anybody else got there so we could see her work. I spruced her up a little, loaded up all the kids and we headed out in the freezing cold to see this magnificent gallery. We got there before anybody else and WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET. Two beautiful pictures. Interesting. Then Hallee said it best... "We came all the way over here for this? This is it?" Oh, well, at least we got a cute picture out of it.


Post-it Notes said...

Poor little thing. I hope she is feeling better. I love her art work!

Brooke said...

I love it! You are a good sport!

Unknown said...

Poor baby girl.
Grandma Susu loves you

Tara Williams said...

What a trooper...and what an ARTIST!!! By the way, where did you get your cute new template for your blog????