Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bieber Fever!!

I still can't believe that my friend Tara not only convinced me to take our girls to the Justin Beiber movie but also to buy them shirts to wear as well. I have to say though I actually really enjoyed the movie. Fun music and a great story! And if your wondering if the girls enjoyed it....well, see for yourself...

Can I have this dance...

Who knew that a ward party could be so much fun??? Last weekend our ward had a couples dance complete with a disco ball, decorations, photographer, music and all. A few decided to go big or go home and came decked out in style. Styles included Audrey Hepburn, classic gangster, 80's, dumb and dumber tuxedo, and we even had our very own pimp.I can't BELIEVE how much time and effort they put into this dance. The gym was decked out!! They said it took all day to set up. It was amazing!
{Tara and Steve Sansom}

{Me in all my 80's glory. Found this beauty at the DI for $6 bucks BABY!}

{Troy rocking his 70's style! Have to say my bangs didn't hold up long. They started out twice as high. Just how much hair spray did we use back then???}

{Larry and Jolynn Palmer - gotta luv the tux!}
{Toby and Josie Christensen}

I'll be the first to admit that I was a little bit skeptical when I first heard about it. But it really was a blast! It was so much fun to see people come out of their shells and boogie! My favorite part of the night was seeing our old Bishop do a break dance spin in the middle of the floor, or our old 1st counselor do a full on jump split and not even pull a muscle in the process. Gotta love it!

Monday, February 14, 2011


So Troy and I woke up this morning to find this sign in our bedroom...
A short while later Miss Hallee appeared carrying this tray of pancakes and milk, decorated and all. Seriously melted my heart. The other two were still in bed and she had gotten up and made the pancakes and decorations all by herself. Seriously, who is this child and how is she mine??? The funny part is that I had planned on making heart shaped pancakes for dinner that night. NOW WHAT??? Was I seriously going to be upstaged by my nine year old daughter? How could I possibly not return the generosity and thought?

So, Plan B was quickly created. Grilled cheese sandwiches cut out in heart shapes with tomato soup and a heart made with sour cream. I mean it's not quite as good as Hallee's but whadda-ya-do??

So Happy Valentines Day to the four people I love most in this world. I {heart} you!!! And Happy Valentines to the rest of you as well! You know who you are! I {heart} you too!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Discover Park City

Thanks to Grandma Susu we were able to have a mini vacation last week to Park City. Since skiing wasn't on our list (wish it was but so far we have not been brave enough to attempt it with 3 kiddos) anyhoo... since skiing wasn't on our list I was a little nervous what we were going to do to occupy our time.

NO WORRIES though! We had a blast and filled our days with fun!

On our agenda....
* Two shopping trips to the outlet mall

* Swimming in the outdoor pool.... YEP. I said outdoor. No cover, no heat lamps just a pool at a temperature of around 95 degrees. The kids LOVED it!! There was snow all around us but it didn't slow them down a bit. Yes, I did swim as well but the hot tub kept beckoning me back.

I loved that the hot tub was usually full of men from around the country who had taken the week off to come ski with their buddies. And then there was US :). The first question was always where we had been skiing that day and the next was where we were from. I'm sure they thought we were crazy that we only lived 35 minutes away and we were NOT skiing.
Saturday we stopped by some of the local ski resorts to watch the snowboarders do their thing off the jumps. At the Canyons they had a free ski lift that took you from the parking lot up to the resort. The kids thought it was awesome and we loved that it was Frrreeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Hanging out at the Canyons

We also spent some time on historic main street. The kids were easy to please and we spent most of the time riding the trolley up and down the street.

So the following pictures are so not in order but my computer is giving me some serious issues so we'll just be grateful to get them posted.
Friday night we took the kids to Midway to the Midway Ice Castles. It was breathtaking!! On the way there we passed this cute little coffee shop that we had to check out on the way back. It was SO cute. (Hot chocolate wasn't the best but the atmosphere absolutely made up for it!)

So now the pictures you've been waiting for. Don't mind that Troy looks possessed in the first one :)

We would definitely recommend going at night when it is all lit up. It is gorgeous!

And finally the girls and I had some down time together when Troy came back to work one day. We painted fingernails, watched chick-flicks and and baked valentines cupcakes.