Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jesus wants HOPE for a sunbeam!

Hopes battle wounds from PRIMARY

Hope and's not going so well. She has declared that she DOES NOT like primary and wants to go back to nursery. She loved nursery. Most kids cry when their parents drop them off - Hope cries when we try to pick her up to go home. Sacrament meeting consisted of "Is it time for nursery?" in 2 1/2 minute intervals. The second the prayer was over - she was off and running. I think they loved her as well. We often heard stories of Hope singing solo's at the top of her lungs to the entire nursery or telling them all sorts of stories over and over and over.

We tried to get her excited about primary and told her how much fun she was going to have with the big kids but I could tell she wasn't buying it. On the first Sunday I took her hand and excitedly started to walk her back to primary. We quickly passed the nursery and a few seconds later I could hear a little sniffle. I looked down to see tears streaming down her face. I gave her a little pep talk, a tight hug and quickly said good-bye. It was only a matter of minutes before I heard her emotional melt-down. Most of that day was spent trying to convince and eventually bribing her to go back in to primary. That night we tried to tell her how she was such a big girl and how cool it was that she was old enough to go to primary. Her response... "Well, I guess I'm not free (three) enough. Sorry! I guess I hav to stay in nuwswey."

Now fast forward two weeks (she was home sick for two Sundays). Again, we give her the pep talk, get her all excited, thinks are looking good. We drop her off, she smiles and waves and we are thinking we are in the clear. About 15 minutes into it and they bring her to us with blood curdling screams! Apparently, she was so excited about being in primary she stood up on her chair to wave to everyone, it tipped and she crashed right on her face. She bit through her cheek and it started bruising instantly. Hmmmm, next week is not looking so good for us. Good thing it is Stake Conference and maybe she will forget her tragic experience by then.


Adree said...

I think we all should just stay in nursery forever too.

Tara said...

Oh poor Hope, she will love it eventually, I think, maybe. I know Grace wants her to love that is for sure she has missed her.

Post-it Notes said...

She is such a fiesty little thing. It makes me laugh!! Hopefully she will forget her tragic experience. Poor thing!

JLJ said...

YOUCH! I swear after a struggle, just when things look like they're going to be ok, you get some unfortunate accident. Sorry Hope!

Cathy said...

I am so sad that she got hurt. It looks sore. Hopefully, she will see how fun Primary. The leaders will love having her in there. I'm sure each week they will have a story to tell about her. She is just so dang adorable.
Love Mom