Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wish me Luck!

After a six month "maternity leave" from church callings I can hide no longer. I was just called to be the Sunday School teacher for the 12-14 year olds in our ward. I was actually pretty excited about it until the bishop said, "Now, I want you to know that we felt VERY inspired that YOU are the right person for this calling (softening the blow), but with that said, it is kind of a hard age group, and there are a few boys..... Well, we all know the rest of the story.

So, wish me luck! This could get ugly!


Tristen said...

That is a great calling!! Good luck. I love the new look of your blog, now you really have to give me a lesson. I am trying to get going on some digital scrapbooking seeing as how Cade is my only child to have a book and it only covers the first week of his life!! Ouch.

Post-it Notes said...

Oh wow! You are brave. I dont know that I would have accepted. hehe Good Luck!!! :)

Elaine said...

Congratulations on your calling, you will be great with that age group. They need to know life can be fun and exciting and still live according to the scriptures (you are a great example of that). Thank you for letting me look in on your special little family, it is beautiful.
Aunt Elaine

Brooke said...

Wish you luck?!! Whatever! This is your total calling in life! You will be great, great, great. They are so lucky.

BigEd said...

Would it make you feel better if I remind you that they probably won't be listening to a word you say ; )

Renzello said...

You will be awesome at this calling, just like you are at everything else!!!

Tara Williams said...

6 month maternity leave! I only had 2 weeks!! I got ripped off! J/K Really, you will do great! You seem to have a great raport with kids.

Tara said...

Jami You are going to be an amazing teacher for those kids, they need someone like you. You will be great.

tAy-Team said...

You are just the person for the job. I think you can handle anything. I've been thinking about you a lot now that I'm in the Young Women again. You were an inspired and uplifting Young Women's President and I will never forget your example.
Ie Mei

394bull said...

You'll do great. They are lucky! It makes me wish I were 14 so I could attend.