Sunday, January 29, 2012

The big 10!!!

Hallee entered the world of double digits and is enjoying every second of it. We celebrated by going to Extreme Air Sports in Provo. Caymbree thought it was awesome and was not the least bit intimidated by the big kids jumping over and around her. It was pretty cute.

For one of Hallee's gifts we gave her a box full of letters. She had to put the letters together to figure out the gift.
With a little help from friends she was finally able to figure out the big surprise...

Happy Birthday Miss Hallee. We love you!

A few things about Hallee...

Hallee seems to be marching full force into pre-teenhood. It has been fun to watch her take on more responsibility and rise to the challenge. We have spent the last year doing mini-babysitting courses and she has become quite the little babysitter. In fact, one day I came home to a empty basket of laundry that she had the girls fold and put away without even being asked. It was awesome. I have loved watching her grow as a leader and example to her sisters.

She is still dancing with Synergy and is on team Cobalt. She dances five hours a week and LOVES it. She has amazing teachers and coaches and can't wait for competition season to start.