Monday, January 28, 2008



I guess I knew it was going to happen, but it still just felt too soon. Our prophet, Gordan B. Hinkley passed away yesterday surrounded by his family. It was hard news to hear; the thought of not seeing his smiling face at the next General Conference just doesn't seem possible. I loved his wit and sense of humor, his grandfather-like demeanor, and the way he was able to get his message across in a direct but appealing and humbling manner. He will be missed.

It has been interesting to watch Hallee process all of this. As she said her prayers last night she said, "Thank you for President Hinkley, please help him to be safe, and to be healthy, and happy where ever he is. And please bless our next prophet will be just like him." This morning as she was getting ready for school she overhead the news saying that kids at one high school were all going to wear white, at another high school they were all going to wear their church clothes. She decided to to both.

I came across an article this morning that said, "Just imagine the reception in heaven - his beloved wife, the Saints and even the Savior himself anxiously awaiting his arrival." I can almost picture him throwing down his cane and doing a little jig in true President Hinkley fashion. We love you President Hinkley!


Kelli said...

He was such an amazing prophet. He will be so missed! I've been teary all day long. You're right -I can just picture him doing that little jig up there!

Thank you so much for letting me in on your blog! It's so fun to catch up with you and your cute family. I love reading my friends' blogs that have little girls. It gives me a little glimpse of what I'm missing! They are all just darling!

Post-it Notes said...

What a sweet tribute!

Josie said...

Hallee is such a sweet little girl. President Hinkley had a special relationship with the youth of the church...he will certainly be very missed. That was a very sweet post.

JLJ said...

Mourning President Hinckley outside of the promised land is so different, so private. Today when we were out I watched everyone going about their business realizing that none of them knew. It was a strange feeling. How different it must be there, with entire high schools wearing white.

394bull said...

President Hinkley is the best example for all. His non-exclusive, loving, brave, open arms approach to all of gods children across the globe, I pray, will live forever.