Tuesday, January 1, 2008


1. Warm up the treadmill - I'm back. No diet here - I love food WAY too much. Just a re-commitment to get back on a workout plan.

2. So those of you who haven't received a thank-you or birthday card in the last well, um, EVER that is about to change. I have made a goal to be more thoughtful! Christmas thank-you's will be in the mail soon and my birthday calendar posted in my kitchen. Wish me luck! (Well...don't. Then I would have to send you a thank-you card.)

3. Beg, steal and borrow quality time with the husband. With Troy on the road again, couple time is priceless. I will make it a priority!

4. Listen to my children....REALLY listen. I got busted the other day when Hallee's friend answered my standard "How was school today?" question with a tragic story and in my standard "i'm really not hearing anything you are saying" I replied, "cool!" She looked at me oddly and said, "you think that's cool?" BUSTED! I realize how often I do this to my children but NO MORE. I'm all ears!

5. I should say I am giving up my diet Coke but NOPE - life is way to short for that.

6. Since I am not getting much out of church these days (Caymbree seems to love the halls), I am making a commitment to read the Ensign cover to cover.

7. And last but not least, and actually most important - I want my home to always be a place the Savior will reside. A little more cleanliness, a little less t.v, and a lot of love.

That's all folks. Nothing fancy or noteworthy but hopefully doable. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Renzello said...

Good resolutions! You inspire me!