Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Groundhogs Day?

Ya, I know it's the wrong holiday but I swear we are having some serious de-ja-voo (Ok, I can't even get it close enough for spell check) around here. Last Monday night Hallee came home from dancing saying she just wanted to go to bed. Around 11:30pm she started throwing up and did so every two hours until 9:00am the next morning. I braced myself for the rest of us to get it and even strategically planned every meal for the next few days...NO MEAT! Every menu was based around the idea that I was probably going to be seeing it again soon in a not-so-flattering way so we had a lot of pancakes, grilled cheese and tortillas. The week came and went and we flew by in flying colors. Whew! No fast forward exactly one week. Monday night. HOPE comes home from dancing saying she is tired. At almost 11:30 on the dot she comes into my room covered with - well you know where this story is headed. Here we go again. However, to my great delight she only threw up once. She was pretty tired this morning but it's now 11:30 am and she seems like she is 100% back to normal. Perhaps she just got a mellow form of it.
Looks like it's another week of pancakes, grilled cheese and tortillas.


Post-it Notes said...

Poor little things. Something nasty has been going around lately because we all got it. Im glad that they are feeling better!

Kelli said...

Sorry you've had the bug at your house. It's no fun for anyone when someone's sick! I do the same thing with food and cooking and steer clear of the things I just couldn't stand cleaning up! Get better!

Adree said...

You better not bring it to Logan this weekend.

Brittney said...

sounds like our menu pretty much every week. i swear we have grilled cheese at least every other day. it's a perfect food. i'm sorry your girls have been sick...good thing it's fairly mild?

Tara Williams said...

Oh man! Summer time...PLEASE come soon!!!!

BigEd said...

Wow. Nothing worse than barfing. Especially if it isn't yours and you still have to clean it up.

Tristen said...

There is nothing worse than sick kids. I'm so sorry! Well, I guess it could have been worse if you were sick too! That's great that you didn't get it.