Thursday, March 6, 2008

"Not what I was Expecting"

When Hallee came home from school yesterday I was a little preoccupied trying to get a hundred and one things done. She was telling me all sorts of things and I was doing my best to add in a "uh hu" and a "ya" here and there. Finally, she dropped her shoulders and quietly said, "This is not what I was expecting," as she slowly walked out. Confused, I stopped her and asked her what she meant. She said, "This just isn't what I was expecting." "What were you expecting," I asked. "Maybe like a Hi, Hallee. How are you? How was school today?"
That "Mother of the Year" award just keeps getting farther and farther away.


Adree said...

Read my blog for a minute and then you'll feel like you earn that award hands down.

Lindsay said...

That's funny! Today Sydnee told me I was a bully because I was telling her to put her socks & shoes on for school.

Brooke said...

I'm sorry you had to hear that, but I am also relieved to know that I am not the only Mom chastised by my own children for my parenting skills. Or lack thereof. :)

Tara Williams said...

She is so mature for her age. She's like a mini-adult!! Don't worry...just like our moms used to tell us...they'll understand once they have their own kids.

Chelsea said...

oh no... thats kind of funny:) amazing how aware they really are hu!

Post-it Notes said...

You are surely not alone! Kennedy calls me out all the time. I guess we all need reminders.

Unknown said...

whats with the make up thing I guess i can read your blog anymore. Dad