Monday, March 24, 2008

No matter when it's ALWAYS too soon.

I knew it was coming. I even prayed for it. But it doesn't make it any easier. Yesterday my sweet grandfather passed away. It is bitter sweet. I am so grateful that he doesn't have to suffer any longer. I feel at peace knowing that he is in a better place. And yet, it is still one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through in my life.

My grandpa was one of the greatest men I have ever known. When my patriarchal blessing counseled me to develop a "ready-smile" I instantly knew I had the perfect footsteps to follow. My grandpa was the type of man that if you met him on the street, in the grocery store, or just crossed paths you became an instant friend. The next time he saw you he would treat you as if he had known you your entire life. He had a zest for life. His humor and wit will always be remembered.

I don't think I will ever meet someone as kind and patient as my grandpa. Even my own mother doesn't remember a single time in her life that he ever raised his voice.

I am truly grateful for the gospel in my life. Knowing that he is able to return to his Father in heaven provides such a peace at a time of sorrow. Looking back at the events of the past week it is easy to see God's hand directing our paths. We were able to spend time with him, say our good-byes and convey our love. I will always be grateful for those last precious memories I was able to have with him.


Post-it Notes said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers and with you and your family!

JLJ said...

I was at my parent's house on Sunday when they told me about your grandpa. He was such a sweet man. Every time I saw him he would give me a big hug, and just like you said, act like I was someone who was important to him. I sorry that you're going through this. Hang in there.

Brooke said...

So sorry about your Grandpa, Jami!

Mindy said...

Jami, we're thinking about you and your family. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa. I, too, remember that he always had a smile on his face and it seems like he was always joking around with people. What a neat man! We love you.

Tara said...

Jami those pictures are so sweet. What a sweet man he was. I am so sorry you have to go through this.

Elaine said...

So sorry to hear about your grandpa. It is so hard to lose the companionship and physical closeness we have with our family. Your beliefs are what will help you cope.
Aunt Elaine

Tara Williams said...

Jami, I am very sorry for your loss. Please convey my feelings to the rest of your family. He really did always make me feel "at home" around your family. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you. Love, Tara

Brittney said...

i'm sorry to hear about your grampa. i'm thinking about you and your family!

Josie said...

I'll be thinking about and praying for you this weekend. I'm so sorry for you and your family. I'm glad you got to spend those last days with him. You'll always cherish those memories.

Kelli said...

What a sweet tribute to your grandpa. Sorry about your loss. That's so neat that you were able to spend time with him, it sounds like he was a great man.

BigEd said...

I am so sorry about your Grandpa. He really was such a sweet man! I'm sure he also considered himself very lucky to have such a large, loving and supportive family.