Monday, March 3, 2008

Motherhood and all it's GLORY

Well, I think I reached it. The bottom pit of Motherhood. I guess I should back up a bit. Last Sunday Hope was laying on the bed while I was packing our bags to head to Logan. Suddenly, she sprang up, gasped and then looked at me with horror. After a few little coughs she declared that she had swallowed a dime. I laughed it off, told her to be careful and not to put things in her mouth anymore. She asked how we were going to get it out of her tummy and I told her she would probably "poop it out." "Okay, Mommy, she said worriedly. "I's gonna go poop it out RIGHT NOW!" I laughed and that was the end of that. I thought anyway.
Upon telling my story to my mom and sister-in-law (one's a nurse and the other worked in pediatricians office) they informed me that it was my motherly duty to make sure the dime comes out. Yes, folks that means sorting through the poop for the next few days. Just a's gonna get graphic. Nurse Cathy suggested putting on some gloves and just going for it. Um, HELLO? I finally resorted to a LONG, LONG bread knife for my in-toilet dissections. Glamorous huh?
At this point your probably dying to know whether we found the dime and the answer is no. We had a few times when we were out and about without our handy-dandy bread knife and who knows, it could have come out then. All I know, is I am through searching.


JLJ said...

DIS-GUSTING! But you certainly went the right way when you used the bread knife rather than your hand. ugh! Just remind me never to eat bread at your house again.

BigEd said...

Okay, her face in that photo says it all. That is hilarious. I'm sure it made it safely to the sewer with all the other dimes, nickels, pennies, balloons, mini cars, tiny balls, etc. that mothers never know about. I'm not sure I would have been so diligent.

Kelli said...

Oh my goodness that is so hilarious and so gross! I have to say, that's (thankfully) something I've not experienced. Look at what a great mom you are!!

Unknown said...

Oh my heck, as Hope would say...that's really poopy news! It would be funny if it came out as two nickels. I agree with j diehl, there's likely lots of mystery items that have made it to the sewer without Mothers knowing about it!
At least ya didn't use your potato masher!