Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I forgot I had these pictures from a recent visit of my sister's family. CAYMBREE and BRIDGER look so tender all cuddled up, drinking their milk but the truth is - that is the only way we could ever get them to hold still so we could take a picture.


Brittney said...

hah! so cute. i love how they're like, "do whatever you have to do, just please let me sip my milk relatively undisturbed."

JLJ said...

cute babes. Are they the same age?

Adree said...

Bridger looks twice her age in these pics. I need a copy of them!

Cathy said...

I have the cutest grandkids ever!!! I love these pictures.

Josie said...

Such cute pictures!!!! They look so incredibly sweet. Now if I can just get Cash in there with a bottle of his own...:)