Friday, September 28, 2007

So long Harry!

I'll admit it. I am a Harry Potter fan. It is with very mixed emotions that I say so long to Harry after finishing the final book this week. (I have to be very selective when I start a Harry Potter book because I neglect pretty much everything; kids, husband, housework,....) while I read.

It was an emotional journey and I'll even admit to shedding a few tears along the way. This book gave me serious anxiety and I even found myself thinking/worrying about Harry and the gang during the day as well as in my dreams.

I feel relieved that it is all over, sorrow that I will never get to do it again and awe at one who can write such a novel.


Evecall said...

I am laughing because I too just finished the last book this week, and just last night as I was looking at the Halloween stuff at the store was starting to miss Harry and his friends. I think she set it up nicely to start a new series with the kids so I am hopeful there will be more Hogwarts to come in the future.

JLJ said...

I think I must be one of the select few who hasn't read Harry Potter. In fact I think I've only seen the first movie. I guess I'm waiting for #1 to grow up a bit so we can read it together.

Brooke said...

Bennett is thinking of being Harry for Halloween. Well, along with about 15 other things too. I don't dare buy him a costume because he keeps changing his mind.

Now you'll have to read those vampire books that everyone is raving about... Twilight, I think the first one is called. Seriously, people are going crazy over them! I want to check them out. They might help you get over your Harry withdrawals. :)