Tuesday, September 25, 2007

All about Hallee

Yesterday I found myself sitting among a class full of kindergarten kids as I volunteered in Hallee's classroom. It was a thought provoking experience as I watched Hallee interact with her peers and gave me a new insight to what I think I already knew about her.

Hallee is a people-watcher. She stands back with a huge grin on her face and is content to watch the mayhem around her. She is very obedient and eager to please. She has a sensitive heart and easily gets her feelings hurt. When confronted with a group setting she doesn't burst right in but slowly and quietly works her way in without ever saying a word. She is content with one close friend and doesn't require an entourage around her.

I watched with mixed feelings as I realized that these traits will be her greatest asset or her greatest challenge. How am I as her mother going to make sure they become the first rather than the latter? It's a lot of pressure!

I also realized how amazing it is that I, the social butterfly, party chairman, conversation monopolizer, the-more-the-merrier, strong headed, defiant, ect...") got a daughter like her. I have so much to learn from her. Thanks for mellowing me out Hal's!


Brooke said...

She's so beatiful! Reading this just makes me really sad, though, to be so far apart! Not that we are soooo far apart, but it's just harder these days to pack up and take off. You know? Anyway, Bennett was looking at the pictures of her and demanding that we go see Hallee Hodges RIGHT NOW!

Josie said...

She's about the prettiest and sweetest little five year old I've ever seen. She is five right?:)

Brittney said...

i'm DYING, jami. hallee is soooo grown up--the last time i saw her, she was in nursery, i think? quite the beauty. and it never ceases to amaze me how much i learn just by watching my kids interact with their peers...it's pretty bittersweet, as i realize that not only will they HAVE to learn to get along in the world without clutching onto my hand, one day they'll WANT to. like i said, bittersweet.