Saturday, September 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Troy!

There is no doubt in my mind that Hallee , Hope, and I had more fun preparing for Troy's birthday than he did receiving it. Hallee got the idea from a friend to spray him with silly spray and that is all she would talk about for weeks before the big day. My unintentional procrastination led to a day of chaos as we wrapped all his presents, made a birthday cake and went to three different stores to find the silly spray I had been promising for weeks. However, it was SO WORTH IT. The girls were totally hands on (and I mean literally) in making the cake and while it was somewhat scary to look at it was actually one of the best homemade cakes I have ever made (ok, that is really not saying much). Watching the girls squeal with delight every time they thought the garage door was opening was priceless and I'm pretty sure they had the cans in their hands a good hour before I even expected him to be home.

1 comment:

Evecall said...

Yeah Im glad youre a Blogger!!!