Tuesday, September 25, 2007

10 years and counting...

It's hard to believe that Troy and I have been married 10YEARS! One cozy little cottage, two houses, two college degrees, five jobs, too many cars to count, and three kids later and here we are.

We celebrated our anniversary with a quick get-away to California . We indulged ourselves with some of our greatest loves in life; the theater, the beach/ocean and spending time with each other. (I would have to add to my list; sleeping in, reading a book undisturbed, a conversation without interruption...)

The highlight would have to be seeing WICKED at the Pantages theater in LA. Words cannot describe how truly amazing this show is. We left the theater wanting more and wondering when we can buy tickets for the SLC show.

Although the weather was only 68 degrees it did not stop us from hanging out on the beach. There is something so rejuvenating about sitting on the beach watching and listening to the ocean. I think there may have been a split second that I thought about how much my girls would love to be there but it was quickly replaced by my selfish indulgence of peace and quiet.

It was a much needed getaway made possible in part by my parents bravery of taking on a nursing baby and two little ones. We can't thank you enough and love you lots!


Josie said...

It is so fun being able to see pictures from your trip and hearing about things. I like this blogging:) Although I saw I was tagged and don't know how to respond...do I copy and paste questions? I'll call you:)

JLJ said...

Happy Anniversary! What a fun get-away. Wasn't Wicked awesome! That theater is really cool too. Matt and I saw Miss Siagon there our senior year of high school.

Brooke said...

What cute pictures! Congrats on 10 years! That is awesome!!

katrina said...

Hi Jami! I'm so excited that I stumbled upon your blog! Your kids are getting so big, and they are so adorable. I've been thinking a lot about you lately. I just got put into the YW presidency in the 9th ward......wasn't it just yesterday that you were my YW president???