Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Caymbree update

Our little miss Caymbree. Time is flying and she is growing up way too fast. It's hard to believe she is already 9 months and her first birthday is just around the corner.

Her first tooth made it's first appearance around 7 1/2 months and the second one followed a few weeks later. She is considered an "early-bloomer" around our house since Hope and Hallee didn't get their first tooth until after they were one.
She is just on the verge of crawling and while the girls like to encourage it I am secretly discouraging it. Life is so much easier when I can put her down and she is still there when I come back. I don't know if I am ready for the whole mobility thing.
As you can see I have plenty of good help around. Both of the girls love to feed Caymbree and it has actually been a HUGE help to me. She is now pretty much done with the baby food thing and just wants big people food.
At 9 months she now weighs in at 14 pounds 11 oz. THIS IS PROGRESS PEOPLE! She is just entering the stage of stranger and separation anxiety and has even tried out a few tantrums here and there. It's a good thing she is so darn cute!


Brittney said...

she is absolutely beautiful. i know what you mean about the crawling thing...i'm the same way. how has the teeth-cutting gone?

Lindsay said...

Jami, She is so cute & petite! I think it is so nice when they stay small longer! Time goes by so fast it makes you feel like their stages last a little bit longer!

Cathy said...

What a cutie! She is beautiful. Your right...life will change when she can crawl and it is sure to happen in the next few weeks. The pictures are so cute. It makes me miss her a ton.
Love Ya,

Tara Williams said...

Time flies!! I was trying to do a 9month post on Isabelle last week with a video from my digital camera so everyone could see her teeth, etc...but after 10 minutes of "uploading" Blogger said there was an error! Dash-it-all!!! I'll keep trying! If you have nay pointers on the video-stuff, let me know, k?

Mindy said...

She is so cute, Jami! It really is funny that our kids are in almost exactly the same stages of life and also have such similar personalities. I feel like I could almost be reading my own blog when I read yours! I was just thinking about posting about how Bailey just got her two bottom teeth today.
Isn't it sad to be entering the stage where they cry whenever you walk out of the room? I hate it!

Tara said...

Oh Man Caymbree is so gorgous, I love those pictures, her eyes are amazing. Good luck when the crawling starts.