Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hope moments vol. 3

*Oh, this one had me laughing for quite a while yesterday. While forcefully trying to convince Hope to add some peanut butter to her sandwich (instead of just butter and jelly) she kept telling me that she didn't like peanut butter. I kept telling her that she did and reminded her that she eats it by the spoonful. Finally, fed up with the discussion she stood up on her chair and yelled, "MOM. I DO NOT LIKE PEANUT BUTTER NOW STOP IT OFF!" (I think she was going for "knock it off."
*As we sat down to eat her jelly and butter sandwich (for dinner I might add) she started complaining that she wasn't hungry. I just stared at her. Her reply, " Mom, are use starring at me cause I's in BIG twuble?"
* As I walked by her I noticed her cutting pieces of paper into little bits. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "I's playing with my kids." (the paper bits apparently being the "kids". "They want to be little." Then she turned to her "kids" and said, "now use got be bwave and don't whine." Then she sighed in disgust and said, "ARE USE CAUSING ME GWEEF (grief)!?"
* Tonight I was asking what everyone wanted on their rolls and when Troy didn't answer me I said, "So what's the plan Stan?" Hope thought I was talking to her and said, "Mom? Don't use remember my name? You can call me Hope or Hopers."
Oh, I love Hope.


Mindy said...

That is hilarious! You just can't mad when they are so darn cute!

Brittney said...

oh so funny. i'm still chuckling over the "gweef" statement. what a cutie.

JLJ said...

Your Hope stories always make me laugh. I love how you capture her speech, I can just hear her little voice talking. So cute.

Josie said...

I just love hope. You need to add her comment "mom are you really dying?" That was pretty funny..although typing it doesn't sound too funny, kind of sounds serious:)

Lindsay said...

She is too cute!

Post-it Notes said...

She has so much spunk!!

Unknown said...

Oh my heck...Hope keeps Grandpa and me in stitches!