Sunday, April 6, 2008

Wisdom of an 11 year old babysitter

I love my babysitter. Yes, she is only 11 years old but she is far wiser, calmer and more knowledgeable than some adults I know. Last week we came home to find little Hopers sitting at the kitchen table while the babysitter gently rubbed peanut butter through her hair. As I walked in with a puzzled look she calmly said, "oh, don't worry. We had a little mishap but we are taking care of it." Hope then proceeded to tell me how she wanted to make a necklace out of her gum and as she wrapped it around her neck it "somehow" got caught in her hair. As she tried to get it unstuck she managed to spread it from ear to ear creating a tangled web of gum and hair pretty much all over the back of her head.

The babysitter then taught me a trick I did not know. If you gently massage creamy peanut butter through the gum/hair the gum will slide right out. WHO KNEW! I would have taken out the scissors and started cutting. Because there was SO much gum in her hair it took us about 25 minutes to get it out but it worked. It really worked!


Tara Williams said...

Don't you just love how these things "somehow" happen?? I'm glad you were able to save her hair. It would be a shame to lose her pig-tails right after she got them! When I look at this picture of Hope...I totally see Troy. The girls do look like you, Jami, but I see a WHOLE LOT of Troy in them. I'm sure Troy is quite pleased! :~)

Kelli said...

Oh, the memories of the peanut butter in the hair. Yep, been there, done that. Glad it worked! She's so funny. That's pretty cute that she wanted to make a necklace.

Brittney said...

does your babysitter make long distance visits? please?

Unknown said...

Heck, I used ice cubes, no wonder Troy and Tara had headaches. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. Love you see you in the morning.