Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Learning to say "YES"


How I actually heard these inspiring words of Elder M. Russell Ballard is nothing short of a miracle. It was the last half of General Conference, the kids were bored, tired and hungry and I was just about to lose it. And yet, somehow the Lord hit the pause button just long enough for me to hear what I needed to hear. I started thinking about how many times I skip over those "moments" because I am too busy or too tired to even notice them. Case and point - THE SOCK PUPPETS....

Last week it was Hallee's turn to do Family Home Evening. She decided that for our activity she wanted to make sock puppets. Thoughts started running through my head and I started giving her every reason why we shouldn't make sock puppets. "I don't know if we have any socks that would work, what would we use for hair, I don't know where the needle and thread are right now"..... blah blah blah. Meanwhile, Troy has gone upstairs, grabbed the "craft box", glue and a couple of his socks and is back ready to begin. What a wonderful example he is! Why is it that "YES" seems so easy for him? He is notorious for letting them jump on the bed and the couches, building forts out of the cushions, sliding down the stairs on pillows, and so forth. So why is it that my initial reaction always starts with the letter "N"?

Fast forward a few days. Hope, Hallee and a friend are bored again and looking for something to do. So trying to be a "fun" mom I suggest a nail parlor. The original plan included me painting their nails but they quickly decided otherwise. They wanted to paint their own of course. I could feel the "NO" bug quickly coming on but I suppressed it and let them go for it. Then I realized that their paint job included varied colors and textures on multiple surfaces for Hope and once again I had to fight the "No" bug from emerging. The control freak in me was dying to think that I was going to send Hallee off to school with every other finger nail a different color but Elder Ballards words struck once again.

So I swallowed my pride (or whatever it is) and let them do what they wanted. Perhaps people who saw them that day wondered what kind of mother would let their children do that to themselves but maybe, just maybe, they heard Elder Ballards talk and knew just WHAT kind of a mother would. :)


Josie said...

What a wonderful application of Elder Ballards words. Of course like many others his was one of my favorite talks and i can't wait to get my hands on the ensign to read it again. I've told you once but I'll tell you again you are one of the best examples of a young mother that I've had and I honestly look to you and hope I'll get there someday. You guys do the funnest things with your girls. Cute Pictures. And of course I'm voting for Archuleta and Brooke but really at this point am liking them all:) Well most of them

JLJ said...

On friday night I let #1 paint MY nails. The color was hot hot pink and let me tell you, it looked horrible! But somehow, I haven't had the heart to remove it. Every time I see my ugly fingernails I feel proud of myself for letting go. And she feels proud that I've left it on.

Kelli said...

I love that N word too. It's just so easy to say. So thanks for giving me the reminder that there is another word I could use at times - YES! That is a great quote from Elder Ballard. I love it. Thanks!

Brooke said...

Love the nails, love the sock puppets! You are an awesome Mom, Jami. Bennett has been asking about Hallee lately... sounds like we need to plan a trip down!

Chelsea said...

oh man..I already find myself using that word pretty much all day. It was hard enough for me to let them feed themselves because they made too big of a mess. I am really working hard at allowing them to learn and have fun of course:) Thanks for this post that will give me more encouragement to do so! :)

Mindy said...

I can definitely relate! Some days it just seems so much easier to say no and not have to deal with the hassle or the mess! I, too, have to constantly remind myself to loosen up and let the kiddos just have fun. In fact, today I found the girls downstairs caked with make-up. I almost got mad, but somehow I made myself tell them they looked pretty and then just let them go at it!

Jenn said...

I totally feel your pain. I have to really think hard sometimes before saying the "Y" word because all too often I just don't want the hassle, and mess. And some things are just easier when I do them or we don't do them at all. But that is a great quote and definitly something we can all take to heart.

Brittney said...

amen - to your post and to these comments.

Post-it Notes said...

Love this post! I too need to hesitate and think before I blurt out the "NO" word. I say it too often and sometimes its for silly reasons. Thanks for the insight... I needed it.

Tara said...

Great post Jami, what an great mom you are. You need to give yourdelf more credit. You are just an incredible mother and a great example to people around you.

Cathy said...

Jami...you are a wonderful mother and so patient and understanding with the girls. They are blessed to live in your home. Aren't you glad there are two of you to raise these precious little ones. YOu each bring wonderful things into your parenting style. I appreciate the way you are enjoying these special moments with the girls. Life is too short to let them pass.