Sunday, April 6, 2008

Open Wide!

The dentist checking out Hallee's teeth. Her back moloars made their debut!
Once they start the movie and put the headsets on - you might as well be talking to the wall. Hope was heavily distracted by the movie ROBOTS. Where was this when I was little?

I remember looking in my childhood scrapbooks and thinking how bizarre it was that my mom took her camera with her to our dentist visits. And now...just look at me. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The girls both did great although Hallee was a little apprehensive as memories of her last appointment began to resurface. (One word - CAVITIES). But good news this time - NO CAVITIES!!! For anybody blessed with the Smith teeth these are sacred and seldom heard words. Not only were the girls and I delighted but my pocketbook was too!


Tara Williams said...

Woo Hoo! Way to go girls!!!

Mindy said...

Congrats on being cavity free! I hope we get the same news when my girls go to their first dental exam. They haven't been yet. Am I the worst mom ever?
Of course you are "allowed" to be reading my blog. I forgot I haven't e-mailed anyone yet to tell them that I just started one. Oh, and feel free to add it to your "list".
By the way, I need some tips on how to create a cute header. etc.

Rob said...

Rob Was Here

Brittney said...

brave little girls! i'm impressed.