Sunday, January 31, 2010

Quality Time

Been spending a LOT of time on this lately...
And this one....

AND this one...

And the one at Walmart, the mall, Hobby Lobby, and just about everywhere else...

(Got ya, didn't I? You so thought I was preggo.) Thanks to a "Get Fit" challenge I joined four weeks ago I am now drinking 2 liters of water a day. 2 LITERS PEOPLE!!!! Before this I was lucky if I got 8 oz. in a 24 hour period. It was quite a shock to the system to say the least. I keep thinking my body will adjust to all the water but judging by the amount of trips to the potty I am gonna say not so much.
So, keep your toilets clean. Good chance if I come to visit I'm going to be spending some quality time in there.


Heather said...

I must not be drinking enough water or I am just really, really good at holding it!!:)

Unknown said...

You are a NUT!!!!!!

The Lively's said...

Uh hello... What the crap... So why haven't you received any kidney stones girl? That is good your doing that! That is what put me in the hospital I'm sure of it! (not drinking enough water) So good for you. Your body will get use to it and your skin will love you for it!

JLJ said...

That is awesome! I'm a strong believer in the 2 liter a day rule - way to go!