Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who does this????

Okay. I will admit it. It was getting to be a problem. Hallee had been walking around the house for a couple of days looking a lot like Nanny McPhee.
Each day we would wiggle the tooth a little more but the dang thing wouldn't budge. Finally, Troy had a plan. I WAS NOT PART OF THIS PLAN. I walked into the room to find him convincing her to let him tie a string to the tooth. This way she could just "pull on it a little." Ok. I can handle that.

Next thing I know he has convinced her to tie it to the door. He won't touch it. She can just do it on her own. Hmmmm....I'm starting to get a little skeptical. So is Hallee....

Practice round. She lightly opens and closes the door. Nope. It's not gonna work. I'm thinking "well, it was a good try."
And the next thing you know. WHAM!!! The door just somehow accidently gets slammed shut and the tooth went a flying.

I think my face probably looked exactly like Hallee's!!
The Nanny McPhee tooth was gone, Hallee was in shock, I was thinking "Who in the world does this to their poor child," and Hope and Caymbree sat stunned (then they laughed hysterically). I told Hallee to forget the tooth fairy on this one. I'd go straight to her dad and demand BIG BUCKS.
So Hallee got her $10 dollars for a tooth after all.


Josie said...

OH my heck that is hilarious! Did troy seriously do that. Guess it worked though. Tell Hallee I'd be happy to chip in for that one.

Heather said...

I can't believe that first of all you were able to convince her to let you tie a string around her tooth and second of all that you got a picture of it when it came out!! We have learned that if you slide dental floss under the tooth it pops them right out (at least for Carlie)!!:) She would never hold still for us to tie a string around her tooth!! She already sounds like we are trying to kill her just using the floss (in case you ever hear her screaming)!!!:)

slap said...

baaaa-haaaa....that's hilarious!!!

Cathy said...

My mom did this to me and I swear it warped me for life....I cannot bare to see a loose tooth on a child...I immediately experience fear and panic...can't catch my breath, start sweating and want to cry. She may be ruined for life.
It was worth way more than 10 bucks Hallee.

Unknown said...

Hmmm, I think we may have done this with Troy when he was it appears the genetic warping has transcended another generation. So sorry Hallee. I will need to pitch in for therapy.

Larsen's! said...

ok...that's made me laugh hysterically! Now I totally understand why Drew likes Troy so much! They think exactly alike. I've seen everything from pliers in a child's mouth to string around their teeth and door knobs, etc., etc., etc. Teeth is one thing I don't and never have done with my children - Dr. Drew is called in to handle teeth...the root of a tooth is absolutely disgusting! Everyone but me has helped my children pull their teeth - we even had a lego pull one out once!!! Glad Hallee was so bravve - she'll never trust him again. My kids always hated when Drew came to pull their tooth!