Sunday, May 11, 2008

Thoughts about Motherhood

Every little girl thinks about it, dreams about, and even pretends to be it. And yet, nothing can truly prepare you for what it is really going to be like. I'm talking about becoming a MOTHER. My journey to motherhood started 6 1/2 years ago and lessons learned are coming fast and furious. Just when I think I start to figure a few things out life (aka...the kids) throw me a curve ball and I have to start all over again. Motherhood has been an evolving process with lots of highs and lows and plenty of mistakes in between. Good thing kids are pretty durable and they seem to recover quickly. So today's post is dedicated to just a few of the lessons learned thus far.
LESSON 1: Don't sweat the small stuff. I know, we've heard it a hundred times but it truly is my key to sanity. I can still vividly remember my emotional meltdown when Hallee just would not take her nap at the scheduled time. I was a wreck and just knew I was doing something wrong. Three kids later has taught me that kids WILL in fact survive without a nap one day. Life will go on even if my house is dirty. It's okay for a baby to cry for a minute. They WILL forgive you.
LESSON 2: CHILDREN DO/SAY WHAT THEY HEAR/SEE. I have to laugh every time one of my kids says something straight from my mouth. Sometimes it's good....sometimes not so good. Not so good when your three year old says "Zip it lady" just like her daddy :) It's a lot of pressure to think that everything I do and say is being recorded in their little brains.
LESSON 3: OUR HEARTS ARE CONNECTED. I had no idea how much I would hurt when one of my kids hurt. Watching your child get left out or get their feelings hurt might as well be happening directly to you. How do mothers ever survive the teenage years?
LESSON 4: YOUR KIDS WILL BE WHAT YOU TELL THEM THEY ARE. Another vivid mother moment was when I was stopped in my tracks at the fabric store. After introducing Hallee (who was buried behind my legs) to a friend from high school, my friend asked, "Oh, is she shy?" Acknowledging the obvious, I confirmed it. Then all of sudden from out of now where a woman attacked. She said, "Don't EVER tell a child they are shy. They will be what you tell them they are. Tell them that they are friendly, and happy and that people love to meet them and they will respond." At the time I was very disgruntled and thought it was pretty lame that this lady chimed in out of nowhere. BUT it turned out to be a life changing moment. After that Troy and I followed her advice and soon Hallee's personality started to blossom.
LESSON 5: I CAN'T DO IT ALL. I'm learning to stop beating myself up. I can't do it all, I can't be like everybody else. I just have to do the best I can and hope it is enough. Some days I feel like I have really messed up but its just means I have to try a little harder the next day.
LESSON 6: BEING A MOM IS HARD! It's the hardest job I've ever had and makes teaching middle school seem like a cake walk (and those of you who have heard my stories will appreciate this statement.) No other job has so much on the line, so much riding on you, so much at stake. There are no raises, no award ceremonies, and some days it seems like there even isn't any appreciation. And yet, I CHOOSE this job. I choose to do it again and again. And just when I am convinced that I have chosen the wrong profession I have some unexpected magical moment with one of my children. And then I realize that I have the BEST job in the world and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
LESSON 6: MOTHERS ARE AMAZING. Especially mine and Troy's . How did they put up with us? Every year I add on to my motherhood resume seems to make me appreciate my mother that much more. Thanks to both of you for all of your time, patience and sacrifice. We love you both! Happy Mothers day!


smithfamilymoments said...

Jami-this post is so cute and oh so true. You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself. Happy Mothers Day!

JLJ said...

"I can't do it all, I can't be like everyone else."

I just have to laugh and wonder who "everyone else" is. NOT ME. I recently heard something that was personally very meaningful, it was something like "How much of what you are doing (in your mothering life) is done to please someone else?" And it totally put some things into perspective. There are some days when I pick up my house just in case someone stops by. There is a huge pride factor involved when you start comparing yourself to other people or when you care too much about what other people may think.

Tara Williams said...

AMEN, sister!!! Couldn't have said it better myself.

Cathy said...

You're blessed to be learning such lessons so early in your mothering....some of us took a lot longer to learn those things and are still learning. Thanks for the kind words in my behalf. I always am amazed at your mothering abilities. YOu're awesome.

JoRae aka Lolae said...

What an awesome post. Not only because every word you said is true, but because most mothers feel everything you just said. Thanks for making my day, even though it wasn't really directed toward me.

Kelli said...

It's so great to be reminded of these lessons. I loved this post and may refer back to these lessons once or twice on those "not such a great mother" days I have too often!

Adree said...

Love the post and all the cute pics. Boy how your hair had changed over the years.

Mrs. Budge said...

Jami I love your insights. It is great to be a mother! Too bad Daddies ;-)