Sunday, May 18, 2008

A dream come true?

Oh, come on. Don't try to tell me you haven't thought about taping your kids mouths closed every once in a while. You know on one of "those" days. Well, today I dreamed no longer because Hope took care of it herself. She "taped" her mouth shut with not one, not two but FIVE band aids. And not just five regular band aids but an assortment of sizes, textures and colors. She had fabric band aids, plastic band aids and even threw in an Elmo band aid. (Interesting that there was only one of those. Perhaps she didn't want to "waste" HER band aids. )

I was kind of hoping it would last a minute or two but then I started worrying about her ability to BREATHE.


Tara Williams said...

Ooooh! The secret inner-yearnings of motherhood revealed!! I hear ya girl!

Adree said...

I am laughing my guts out right now. Before I even read your post I knew that had to have been her great idea. Hoppers I'm sure glad you keep me laughing.

JLJ said...

Oh, she can totally breathe through her nose. I totally would have left them on to enjoy the silence for as long as I could.

Unknown said...

Oh my %$#@^&*(*((((* . I am laughing so hard I need my inhaler!

Heather said...

Hope has such a funny and cute personality! I can only imagine what she is going to be like as she gets bigger!!

Mrs. Budge said...

That is hillarious! That is the moment I would say, well you got yourself into this mess, get yourself out and feel free to take your time. What a silly child.

Mindy said...

I'm still looking at this with my girls and they are so concerned that Hope hurt her mouth really bad. Now that I've just explained that she did it on her own for fun, I can tell they've got some new ideas brewing in their heads! Thanks Hope!