Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Hallee had her first "real" competition at Lagoon last Saturday so we decided to take advantage of it and spend the day there. This was the first time Hallee has been tall enough to ride some of the bigger rides and she was so excited to try it out.

Perhaps THIS was not the best ride to take her on for her first experience.

I wasn't sure we would get her on anything else after that but she eventually worked up the courage to try a few more. Truth be told...I'm not a huge fan of amusement parks. They might as well call them Barf-O-Ramas. But not to sway my children I put on my game face and rode the rides as well.

This was their favorite ride of all and we spent a lot of time here. All of the kids could ride it including 2 year old Jovie. It was hilarious to watch their faces in total terror as the ride "dropped" them but then they would get off and want to go right back on again. It was a fun day full of fun memories. Here are just a few of my favorite:
- Troy stuffing the lids of water bottles into Hallee's shoes so that she would be tall enough for some rides.
- Troy, Tara and I all squeezing into one seat to ride "The Rocket." I think it is only meant for two people but they wouldn't let us ride alone so we improvised.
- Poor Hopers getting absolutely drenched on rattle snake rapids when all the adults fended for themselves and scrunched in a corner to avoid the waterfall. We kind of forgot about Hope.

- Hallee having a melt down because she wasn't tall enough to go on the adult bumper cars. Ironic isn't it? She can ride "The Bat" but can't bump a car into another.


Post-it Notes said...

How fun! I havent been to Lagoon for so long. It looks like alot more fun than I remember. Glad you had such a good time.

Kelli said...

What a cute little dancer. Lagoon looks like...Lagoon. So fun for the kids though! We have that Lagoon trip coming up in June actually. Fun stuff!

Tara said...

Cute pictures, it was such a fun day. Thanks for the good times.

BigEd said...

Wow. Those pictures make me feel really old. The last time I was there I swear the rides were made of wood and looked like the last time they were painted was back when lead was all the rage.

Mrs. Budge said...

Go for the big guns Hallie! Get the scariest out of the way first and then you can handle anything else. My favorite photo would have to be Troy on the bumble bounce ride...I think he secretly loved it more than the kids. I can imagine him saying, "it's okay, I'll take them on it again" acting like he is doing the girls a favor when privately he is all excited.