Typically, what time do you wake up? 7:30am to my Hope alarm. I usually try to convince her to crawl in bed with me and watch cartoons until the rest of them wake up around 7:45.
On a good night, when are your kids in bed? 8:00-8:30pm. Although when Troy is out of town and I'm playing the single mom it's more like 7:30 pm.
How long have you been a mommy? Six years
How old were you when you became a mommy? 24
What is your favorite kids T.V. show/movie? Let's see. At the moment both of them like the cartoon
Hallee loves Brady Bunch reruns, and both love the movie Enchanted and Elf (yes we are still watching a Christmas movie four months later).
What is your least favorite kids T.V. show? Reading Rainbow. Can't stand it but both Hope and
Hallee still like to watch it.
What is your favorite chore? Um, I'm pretty sure favorite and chore do NOT belong in the same sentence together.
What is your favorite meal to cook? Spaghetti. It's quick and easy and NO one complains.
What is your kids favorite meal? Spaghetti or any type of pasta.
What is the meal you cook the most often? Boboli Navajo tacos
What is your favorite thing your husband does for your kids? Wrestle time. It's just something I can't get into. He will spend hours wrestling with them and they love every second of it. The only draw back is that Hope tells people that her dad likes to "beat her up." I am waiting for Child Services to show up at my door anyday now.
What are five things that make you smile as a mom? 1. Seeing
Caymbree's face light up when I get her up from a nap. 2) Watching
Hallee's thoughtfulness with her friends. 3) Seeing Hope and
Hallee play like they are best friends 4) Listening to Hopes cute little voice and exaggerated antics. 5) Unexpected loves from the kids
If you could take your kids anywhere, where would it be? Disney World! There is just something about watching them walk around in total awe and wonder.
When was the last time you went out without your kids? Amazingly I went out twice last week without them. Once, on a date night with Troy and my family to see the Civil War production and then again for a girls night out.
What is your favorite activity to do with your kids? Special family fun nights. Activities that we don't do everyday but reserve for special outings. Things like going to the zoo, Chuck-E-cheese, swimming, bounce park, and so on.
Name one thing you said you would never do as a mom. Say "because I said so." (And yes, I have said it a time or two), and drive a mini-van. Just can't do it.
What is your favorite quality that your mom has? I love that she gives 110% to everything she does. Whether it is in her church callings or planning a party she goes all out.
What is your advice for a new mom? Don't sweat the small stuff! and enjoy every second of it.
What is your scariest or most heartbreaking moment as a mom? Hmm, not sure. Probably the time we took our 18 month old
Hallee to the Emergency room with a temperature of 106. They couldn't believe she wasn't having seizures and thought she might have
meningitis. As it turns out it was just
What is your most joyful moment of being a mom? The moment they handed me each and everyone of my three precious girls.
When was the last time you were told, 'I love you' by one of your kids? Everyday.
Hallee, as she leaves for school and again when she goes to sleep and Hope has a daily ritual of saying, "mom, use wanna know how much I luv you?" Then she
procedes to circle her arm over and over again until she is too tired to go on. One time she loved me a whole three minutes worth!
ALRIGHT, TAG EVERYONE. This is a fun one and really puts life back into perspective.