Sunday, February 17, 2008

Why we blog...

Okay, here it is. My last ditch attempt to bring you blog fence-sitters to the blog world. I won't name names but if I SHOULD (Jessica, Candice, Tiffany, my sister in-laws...) I would just recommend you to give it a shot. No more questions! No more, "well, maybe..." It's time.

1. I started the blog at the request of a friend. After some hounding they finally convinced me that it was not as hard as it looks, and you know what? THEY WERE RIGHT! It is free and it takes less than three minutes to set up your account.

2. My original thought was that it would simply be a good way to keep the grandparents up-to-date on the grandkids. Why would anybody else care what my little family is up to? I just thought it would be a quick and easy way to share all the cute little things they say and do that aren't necessarily phone-call worthy. Who knew that it would turn into something SO MUCH BIGGER!

3. Blogging has reunited me with long lost friends! I love that I get to see and hear all the details of their lives. Life is crazy and sadly a weekly phone call to each friend is just not possible. This way I can "talk" with friends weekly and sometimes even daily through their blogs.

4. It has become one of my biggest SUPPORT GROUPS! Who needs therapy when I can complain, vent, and brag all online. By reading others blogs it has been a huge comfort and reminder that we are ALL human. We all make mistakes, we all have good days and bad days.

5. I am SO motivated by my blog friends. I get so many wonderful ideas from them. Craft projects, dinner ideas, inspiring words of wisdom, motivation to work out more, eat healthier, or play with my kids more. All of this from simply being a part of this network of wonderful people who are willing to share their blogs with me.

6. It has taken a HUGE amount of pressure and guilt off of me about falling behind on scrapbooking. I actually stopped taking my camera places because the thought of one more picture that needed to be scrapbooked was too overwhelming. Now, the camera goes everywhere AND I actually enjoy scrapbooking again. My friend sent me a link that shows how you can publish your blog into an amazing book. My plan is to publish a book for each one of my kids about once a year. My blog has become my mini-scrapbook and journal.

To learn more about publishing your blog check this out -

Here is a link to a girl that shows what her book that she had printed actually looks like.

And that's about it. I laugh at how addicted I have become. Instead of doing laundry I am usually checking people's blogs. Instead of cleaning the house I am trying to post something my kids have said or done. Blogging is actually one of the things I look forward to the most in my daily schedule. (I know, it's pathetic). It's like getting letters in the mail everyday but I don't have to walk through four feet of snow to get it. :)

Thanks to all of you who have let me be part of your blog. One has said that it is somewhat pretentious to think that people out there really care what they have to say. But, you know what.... I DO! Keep posting!


Post-it Notes said...

I agree completely, I am totally addicted to blogging and to me its like keeping a daily journal. I also LOVE being able to keep in touch with people!

Tristen said...

I must say Jami, you insprired me to start a blog! And thank you so much, I really have enjoyed it and kept in touch with friends that I wouldn't have otherwise kept in touch with! I also love to read your blog because you are so amazingly talented and honest about your life. It is such a joy to be read your blog, I think I am on it about every other day! Tara is lucky to have such a great person for a best friend!

Kelli said...

Yep, you said it all...I'm completely addicted too. We really need to get Tiff in on this.

BigEd said...

I couldn't agree more. I just love keeping up with the lives of my friends and family, and it seems strangely more personal than email. Now if I could just figure out how to get the computer to do my housework, I would be in really good shape.

Brooke said...

I have been wanting to check out the thing! It looks so cool.

I am so happy every time I get to see someone's new blog post. It makes me feel so connected! I love it!!

JLJ said...

I'm currently trying to pressure my sister into starting a blog. I'm going to send her here to read your post.... good arguments for the pro-blog side!

Mindy said...

Hey Jami!
Okay, so I am one of the blogging fence sitters. I can't decide whether or not I really want to start my own. I have to admit, I've loved to check in on your blog and see what you've been up to. It's kind of funny because I feel like I keep in touch with my friends whose blogs I read, but since I don't have my own blog and never post comments I really don't keep in touch! Thinking about this has made me realize that I am going to start my own blog,too! Thanks for your post to get me motivated!

Josie said...

Jami- What a post and all so true. I think we're all a little addicted. I can't wait to see how it goes trying to turn them into a book. I've got a few people I'm still trying to convince to start one. I'll send them to your post for that extra little push

Lindsay said...

I am so glad that you posted that! I had no idea that you could get the blogs published & for so cheap! Awesome!!!