Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Hope kept us entertained with her "fashion show" and funny antics

Hallee and Trinity needed thier "own space" so they watched a movie in our closet.
We set our expectations low. 12 kids under the age of 6. The SuperBowl would seem like a side show compared to that. However, they did awesome. We had kids in every nook and cranny of the house but they had a great time together. MIA: Caymbree, Cash, and Caleb
Well, Troy's Giants finally pulled it off. He has been a Giant's fan since before we were married. At one point I even tried to convince him to stop admitting it in public because they were so pathetically bad. He hung in there and finally got to see them win the Superbowl! We had a few friends over to enjoy the show!


Post-it Notes said...

Looks like fun. Is your house still standing???

Tristen said...

Thanks for having us over, we had a blast - me watching the kids do the things that make me laugh and Adam watching the game

Larsen's! said...

tell Troy, we were cheering with him. Nick was wanting the other team to win again - but I like the under dog - WAY TO GO GIANTS!!!