Monday, February 4, 2008

A wealth of information

This morning Hallee had a LOT to say. Interesting information to say the least. Our conversation went something like this...
Hallee: (looking at her furry hooded sweatshirt in the mirror) Ohhhh, I like this sheep skin. It's nice and soft.
Me: "Sheep skin?"
"Ya, don't you know they shave sheep to make these things nice and cozy!"
"I'm pretty sure your hood is not made out of sheeps fur."
"Ya, you're probably right. But they DID do that ya know. That's how they made things in the old days."
"Hmmmm." (politely nodding my head).
"You know what else?" Hallee asks.
"No, what?"
"Did you know penguins stay huddled close together to stay warm." "They live in a place called...(thinking deeply). Um, it's not the North Pole. Did you know Santa lives on the very top of the world?
"Yep, I do." I reply.
"Well, penguins live in....(again, racking her brain). "Antartica?" I ask.
"OH, YA! Antartica! And ya know what else Mom?" "No, what?" "The penguins have to stay together so they don't get eaten by wolves!"
"Really?" I reply.
"Ya, cause the people in the igloos, the pilgrims... "Eskimos?" I ask.
"YA! The eskimos brought wolves and sometimes the wolves eat the penguins."
"Oh," I reply. "Where did you learn all this?"
"Um, at school I guess. Or maybe Reading Rainbow? I learn a lot on Reading Rainbow."
"Hmmm, that's good." I answer.
"Oh, and guess what else? Did you know that some people thought the world was just one big straight line?"
"They did?"
"Ya, and they thought that if you started walking and just kept on going that you would fall of the world? Did you know that mom?
" Yes, I did. So do you think you would fall off?"
"NO! That's crazy!"
"Ya, it kind of is. Did you learn that at school?"
"No, Reading Rainbow." "Hey, did the groundhog see his shadow or not?"



Brooke said...

She's so darn cute and funny. And SMART!

Tristen said...

She is such a beauty Jami!

Kelli said...

Cute, cute, cute! It's so fun to see them so excited about learning new things!

Tara said...

I Love when they go on like that it is priceless, she is so cute. I love her. I can't believe you remembered the whole conversation I don't think I could do that.

JLJ said...

At least you know she's listening. Someday all the details will be straightened out, so start saving your money for Harvard. (I was going to say BYU, but didn't want you to erase my comment)

BigEd said...

Sounds like Reading Rainbow is a better bet than school. What a gem.

Larsen's! said...

the truth is Jami, that she probably will grasp more from Reading Rainbow than most of what she's in school for. Sad, sad, sad! I sure wish I would have written down more of my conversations with my kids at that age. Kind of like the day driving up the street when Nick was maybe 3 and asked detailed questions abouto the planets and the universe. Needless to say, I couldn't even really have a conversation with him because he was asking questions that I couldn't even answer...I had to refer him to his father. Also, I wanted to tell you that you do a dynamite job with your writing on your blog. Your style, words and writing is full of feeling and really draws me in? Was that one of your favorite things in college. You are really good with the way you compose your words. Your blog is adorable! Thanks for sharing.