Monday, February 11, 2008

Life with Hope

Cute picture hey? Now look at the BOOTS. This is how she walks around church on Sundays. She refuses to zip them up.

Gotta love the bed head!
"Mom, I's a mean piwate!"

I LOVE the stage Hope is in right now. I would give anything to bottle it up and preserve it forever! She has started to move away from the "naughty" stage and now is just down right funny! I have never seen anyone so animated, dramatic and excited about life. She makes me smile just by looking at her. It's hard to capture her spirit on camera without her cute little voice and facial expressions. Here's just a few of my favoite Hope moments from the past week....

* Her favorite babysitter saw her at church and said "Hope! You gotta tell you mom to call me so I can come over and play with you again." Hope turned around, put up her pointer finger, stuck out her hip and said, "ONE CALL...THAT'S ALL.!"
* After getting sent to time-out (remember I said she was moving away from the naughty stage, not completely out of it), she sweetly called out under the door, "Hey mommy, if you come get me out of time-out I will give use the biggest hug ever! Use, better hurry mommy. I will give you a hug!"

* Her favorite phrase this week is "What was use thinkn MOM?"

* When I say "what were you thinking?" back to her, she always replies, "I have noooooooo idea!" as she rolls her eyes and shakes her head. (How she learned how to do that is beyond me!)

* She was trying to tell Troy a story last night while he was looking over his paperwork. He kept nodding his head and say uh,hu and finally she said, "DAD! You got to look at me to hear me! Look at my face okay!"

* Today I heard Caymbree start crying and saw Hope take off running. When I said, "Hope? What did you do?" she runs up, gives me a huge hug and says, "I so sorry mom. Since I gave you a hug is it okay?" (As it turns out she was trying to give Caymbree a toy and Caymbree tipped over).

* While stopped in traffic Hope looked at all the cars and said, "Come on, party people!"


Josie said...

I told you...someone gave that girl an extra dose of personality! She is so hilarious. You have to keep writing down all of the cute little things she says and does. You'll want to remember those forever. Thanks for the sugar cookies today:)

Post-it Notes said...

She is hilarious! What a personality!!! At least she keeps things entertaining!

Tristen said...

She is hilarious. I love hearing all about her funny lines. Those are the best moments in life.

Brooke said...

Seriously, she is sooooo cute. Love the pix and the stories too.

Adree said...

I am still sitting hear cracking up.

Unknown said...

Well, I have to say that I have always thought Hope was an absolute crack-up!!!!!! I keep laughing. What a doll!