Sunday, February 24, 2008


Most days I absolutely LOVE having three girls. But sometimes it get's a little ridiculous. Take for example, packing for a trip. With boys, you throw in a couple of pairs of pants a few shirts and one pair of shoes. How rough is that? With girls, I have to lay out EVERY outfit. Coordinate the shoes, the pants, the shirt and a matching bow for each girl. Heaven forbid that you have brown shoes with a black outfit. A four day trip to Logan required a pile full of bows and seven bags. A swim bag, a bag for Hope and Hallee, a bag for mom and Caymbree, a diaper bag, a food bag and let's not forget the two bags full of crafts and projects I hope to accomplish while there. I mean seriously!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Well, it's still February. It's cold, snowing and miserable. What better way to get out of the blahs than to go SWIMMING! (Not me of course! Nothing would give me the blahs more!) The rec center here does swimming lessons that coordinate with the tracks so I signed up both Hallee and Hope to get them pool ready for the summer.

Hallee is doing SO great! On the first day she couldn't stop smiling. She loves being in the water and has made so much progress. Hope on the other hand...
Things went from bad to worse with Hopes swimming lessons. On the first day she ran to the pool, took one look at her teacher and froze. It was obvious that it was going to take some strategic planning to make this work. So the game plan went as follows:

Day 1: Bribe. "If you do your lessons you can pick out a special prize after!" NO GO.
Threaten. "If you don't get in the pool you will go home and go to time-out." NOPE.

So, after numerous threats I had to follow through so we went home and Hope spent the next 35 minutes in time-out. It was rough.

Day 2: While out shopping Hope saw a swimsuit that she really wanted. Okay, I think. This might just work out for me. I buy the suit, get her all pumped up for her lessons and call for backup. This time I brought out the big guns and made Troy come with me. You can see how well that worked...

Day 3: Hope woke up early and declared "I AM NOT GOING TO SWIMMING!" She put on her regular clothes and it was all over. She spent that day fully dressed sitting on the side line. Okay Hope - You win!

Day 4: My last ditch effort. I had to suck it up and put on a swimsuit myself. With me in the pool Hope swam like a fish. However, if the teacher came within two feet of her the tears would make their reappearance.

Day 5: Once again, Mom in the pool. This time I finally said to the teacher "Just take her and go." Hope screamed and cried the first go around but by the end she was tear free. Whew!

Next time just remind me to take $40, shred it into pieces and throw it into the pool . It would have saved us all a lot of grief!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Why we blog...

Okay, here it is. My last ditch attempt to bring you blog fence-sitters to the blog world. I won't name names but if I SHOULD (Jessica, Candice, Tiffany, my sister in-laws...) I would just recommend you to give it a shot. No more questions! No more, "well, maybe..." It's time.

1. I started the blog at the request of a friend. After some hounding they finally convinced me that it was not as hard as it looks, and you know what? THEY WERE RIGHT! It is free and it takes less than three minutes to set up your account.

2. My original thought was that it would simply be a good way to keep the grandparents up-to-date on the grandkids. Why would anybody else care what my little family is up to? I just thought it would be a quick and easy way to share all the cute little things they say and do that aren't necessarily phone-call worthy. Who knew that it would turn into something SO MUCH BIGGER!

3. Blogging has reunited me with long lost friends! I love that I get to see and hear all the details of their lives. Life is crazy and sadly a weekly phone call to each friend is just not possible. This way I can "talk" with friends weekly and sometimes even daily through their blogs.

4. It has become one of my biggest SUPPORT GROUPS! Who needs therapy when I can complain, vent, and brag all online. By reading others blogs it has been a huge comfort and reminder that we are ALL human. We all make mistakes, we all have good days and bad days.

5. I am SO motivated by my blog friends. I get so many wonderful ideas from them. Craft projects, dinner ideas, inspiring words of wisdom, motivation to work out more, eat healthier, or play with my kids more. All of this from simply being a part of this network of wonderful people who are willing to share their blogs with me.

6. It has taken a HUGE amount of pressure and guilt off of me about falling behind on scrapbooking. I actually stopped taking my camera places because the thought of one more picture that needed to be scrapbooked was too overwhelming. Now, the camera goes everywhere AND I actually enjoy scrapbooking again. My friend sent me a link that shows how you can publish your blog into an amazing book. My plan is to publish a book for each one of my kids about once a year. My blog has become my mini-scrapbook and journal.

To learn more about publishing your blog check this out -

Here is a link to a girl that shows what her book that she had printed actually looks like.

And that's about it. I laugh at how addicted I have become. Instead of doing laundry I am usually checking people's blogs. Instead of cleaning the house I am trying to post something my kids have said or done. Blogging is actually one of the things I look forward to the most in my daily schedule. (I know, it's pathetic). It's like getting letters in the mail everyday but I don't have to walk through four feet of snow to get it. :)

Thanks to all of you who have let me be part of your blog. One has said that it is somewhat pretentious to think that people out there really care what they have to say. But, you know what.... I DO! Keep posting!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines Grand Slam

When it comes to presents, let's face it; there will always be some hits and some misses. This year for Valentines day, Troy knocked it out of the park. I was on my way home from Logan when he called to say he was at Smith's grocery store picking up a few things. In my mind I thought, "Well, I guess I know what I will be getting." I expected to come home to a bouquet of flowers sitting on the table. Imagine my surprise when I walked in my house and saw a card hanging from the ceiling that said "Look Up." I looked up to see a beautifully, and I MEAN BEAUTIFULLY decorated wall. AN ENTIRE WALL - start to finish decorated. I could not believe my eyes. I screamed, cried, laughed and Troy wasn't even there to see any of it. (He said if he knew he was going to get that kind of reaction he would have been there). It was amazing! I can't believe the time and energy that he put into this gift. I definitely think this was the GRAND SLAM of all Valentines presents. I love you Troy!

A little background info: When you walk into our house you come into a two-story entry. If you look upwards there is a HUGE wall that we have always wondered what to do there. We have discussed lot of possibilities but the project always seemed daunting. For one, it is a big wall and to put something little on it would be silly. And two, it is about 20 feet in the air and everything has to be done by ladder. Because of this I had pretty much just given up on the idea.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentines Cookies

I try not to make a habit out of making SUGAR COOKIES. ONE - I eat way too many of them and TWO; they are a huge mess! But when holidays roll around I usually grin and bear it. I figure if you are going to go to the trouble you might as well have people over to enjoy it. It turned out to be a brilliant idea on my part because before I knew it my friend Tara had volunteered to make the cookies AND the frosting. Sweet deal for me hey?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Life with Hope

Cute picture hey? Now look at the BOOTS. This is how she walks around church on Sundays. She refuses to zip them up.

Gotta love the bed head!
"Mom, I's a mean piwate!"

I LOVE the stage Hope is in right now. I would give anything to bottle it up and preserve it forever! She has started to move away from the "naughty" stage and now is just down right funny! I have never seen anyone so animated, dramatic and excited about life. She makes me smile just by looking at her. It's hard to capture her spirit on camera without her cute little voice and facial expressions. Here's just a few of my favoite Hope moments from the past week....

* Her favorite babysitter saw her at church and said "Hope! You gotta tell you mom to call me so I can come over and play with you again." Hope turned around, put up her pointer finger, stuck out her hip and said, "ONE CALL...THAT'S ALL.!"
* After getting sent to time-out (remember I said she was moving away from the naughty stage, not completely out of it), she sweetly called out under the door, "Hey mommy, if you come get me out of time-out I will give use the biggest hug ever! Use, better hurry mommy. I will give you a hug!"

* Her favorite phrase this week is "What was use thinkn MOM?"

* When I say "what were you thinking?" back to her, she always replies, "I have noooooooo idea!" as she rolls her eyes and shakes her head. (How she learned how to do that is beyond me!)

* She was trying to tell Troy a story last night while he was looking over his paperwork. He kept nodding his head and say uh,hu and finally she said, "DAD! You got to look at me to hear me! Look at my face okay!"

* Today I heard Caymbree start crying and saw Hope take off running. When I said, "Hope? What did you do?" she runs up, gives me a huge hug and says, "I so sorry mom. Since I gave you a hug is it okay?" (As it turns out she was trying to give Caymbree a toy and Caymbree tipped over).

* While stopped in traffic Hope looked at all the cars and said, "Come on, party people!"

Thursday, February 7, 2008

All about Me 2008

I've been tagged with the 2008 version of "Getting to know you" a few times so I figure it's about time I get around to filling it out. Here goes nothing...

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:30am to my tried and true, rarely fails, cute little "Hopers" alarm. It says "Mom, get me ceweal" over and over and the snooze button seems to be broken.
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds baby!
3. What was the last movie you saw? Spiderman (it's the last 12 movies I have seen. It's Hopes latest movie obsession).
4. Where is the most beautiful place you've ever been? Cancun, hands down. I guess I should clarify. The ocean and beaches of Cancun.
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Lately I have been all about hot chocolate and toast. I also do eggos, cream of wheat and cereal.
6. What is your favorite food? I love a good steak with A1 sauce, and any type of pasta.
7. What food do you dislike? Any and all types of fish.
8. What is your favorite CD lately? I love the Wicked soundtrack. It is one my girls and I all agree on.
9. What kind of car do you drive? A Toyota Sequoia (sp?)
10. Favorite sandwich? Hmmm...too many to narrow down
11. What characteristics do you despise? Just down right mean people
12. Favorite item of clothing? Any shirt that hides the extra layer of baby fat but still looks fashionable.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? Europe
14. What color is your bathroom? Off white. Hopefully that will change soon. Troy will be away on business for two weeks - I have big plans! :)
15. Favorite brand of clothing? No particular brand. Store...Charlotte Russe
16. Where would you retire? I can't see myself going too far.
17. What was your most memorable birthday? My 8th birthday. Besides the obvious baptism, and to make a LONG story short - We miraculously followed and retrieved a mylar balloon that
escaped. It ended up miles away and basically floated right down into our arms.
18. Favorite sport to watch? Basketball and dancing
19. Favorite saying? "Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
20. When is your birthday? July 6th. I turned the big 30 this year.
21. Are you a morning person or a night person? Ummm, NEITHER. I'm still trying to figure out what time of day is my best.
22. What is your shoe size? What a random question. 71/2?
23. Pets? Nope. Probably not ever unless the little munchkins can convince us otherwise.
24. What did you want to be when you were little? A teacher
25. What are you today?A teacher on sabbatical, a full time mother.
26. What is your favorite candy? Swedish fish!
27.. What is your favorite flower? Daisies
28. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? The week of the fourth of July. My favorite time of year! We spend the entire week at our cabin- 30 years and counting.
29. What are you listening to right now? the television.
30. What was the last thing you ate? I just snuck a couple of swedish fish.
31. Do you believe in Angels? Absolutely!
32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Hot pink! It's bold and sassy!
33. Pet peeves? Road ragers and employees who hate their jobs and in turn hate helping customers. GET A NEW JOB! Hopefully one where you are in a dark room and I don't have to deal with your oneriness
34. Favorite Television show? Let's see. American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, and Brothers and Sisters.
35. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Tara
36. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yep! All three of them:)
37. Favorite soft drink? Diet Coke with a freshly squeezed lime.
38. Hair Color? Take your pick. It changes frequently.
39. Favorite restaurant? I know it's pathetic but Olive Garden is still one of my favorites. That and Spaghetti Factory.
40. Siblings? 2 brothers and a sister
41. What was your favorite toy as a child? Strawberry Shortcake dolls
42. Summer or Winter? Um, that's a toughy! It was 20 degrees outside today and we have had massive crazy amounts of snow. I'm going with SUMMER!
43. Hugs or kisses? Hugs. There is nothing quite like a big huge hug from the kiddos and an unexpected squeeze from the hubby.
44. Chocolate or vanilla? I've always been a vanilla fan but this last pregnancy did something to my taste buds. I'm actually switching over to chocolate.
45. When was the last time you cried? President Hinkley's funeral. I couldn't stop crying. It was a doozey!
46. What is under your bed? Well, let me check. Not much actually. A few hangers, a tissue and oh wait, a beautifully wrapped valentines present just for me.... Not.
47. Who is the friend you've had longest? All my high school friends
48. What did you do last night for dinner? Invited Betty Crocker over and had a meal in a box. It was actually quite good.
49. Favorite smell? Hot apple pie
50. What are you most afraid of? Being in a bad car accident. Having to watch one of my children suffer for any reason.
51. How many years at your current job? Six years as a mother, 10 years as a wife
52. Favorite day of the week? Sunday. Besides the obvious reason, it's the only day of the week that Troy consistently has off.
53. How many towns have you lived in? Logan, Ephraim, and Riverton. Exotic isn't it?
54. Do you make friends easily? Yes. But not only friends...great friends.
55. Are you happy? Again, a bizarre question. But yes, I am happy. Very happy.

And now...TAG you are it! All of my blog buddies. Jen D, Jen J, Tara S, Josie, Adree, Krista, Brooke, Chelsea, Julie, Kelly, Brittney, Tristen, Liz, Iemei, Lindsey, Evelyn, Tara W. Ok, I've listed ALL of you so you have no excuse. All except Kara and Krista because you beauties sent it to me :) oh, and possibly Lindsey and Chelsea because I belive they just did one. Anyway...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008



I know it's probably not all that exciting for most of you but to hear Caymbree laugh again was absolutely PRICELESS for our family. It is such a relief to know that we are on the right track again.


Hope kept us entertained with her "fashion show" and funny antics

Hallee and Trinity needed thier "own space" so they watched a movie in our closet.
We set our expectations low. 12 kids under the age of 6. The SuperBowl would seem like a side show compared to that. However, they did awesome. We had kids in every nook and cranny of the house but they had a great time together. MIA: Caymbree, Cash, and Caleb
Well, Troy's Giants finally pulled it off. He has been a Giant's fan since before we were married. At one point I even tried to convince him to stop admitting it in public because they were so pathetically bad. He hung in there and finally got to see them win the Superbowl! We had a few friends over to enjoy the show!

Monday, February 4, 2008

A wealth of information

This morning Hallee had a LOT to say. Interesting information to say the least. Our conversation went something like this...
Hallee: (looking at her furry hooded sweatshirt in the mirror) Ohhhh, I like this sheep skin. It's nice and soft.
Me: "Sheep skin?"
"Ya, don't you know they shave sheep to make these things nice and cozy!"
"I'm pretty sure your hood is not made out of sheeps fur."
"Ya, you're probably right. But they DID do that ya know. That's how they made things in the old days."
"Hmmmm." (politely nodding my head).
"You know what else?" Hallee asks.
"No, what?"
"Did you know penguins stay huddled close together to stay warm." "They live in a place called...(thinking deeply). Um, it's not the North Pole. Did you know Santa lives on the very top of the world?
"Yep, I do." I reply.
"Well, penguins live in....(again, racking her brain). "Antartica?" I ask.
"OH, YA! Antartica! And ya know what else Mom?" "No, what?" "The penguins have to stay together so they don't get eaten by wolves!"
"Really?" I reply.
"Ya, cause the people in the igloos, the pilgrims... "Eskimos?" I ask.
"YA! The eskimos brought wolves and sometimes the wolves eat the penguins."
"Oh," I reply. "Where did you learn all this?"
"Um, at school I guess. Or maybe Reading Rainbow? I learn a lot on Reading Rainbow."
"Hmmm, that's good." I answer.
"Oh, and guess what else? Did you know that some people thought the world was just one big straight line?"
"They did?"
"Ya, and they thought that if you started walking and just kept on going that you would fall of the world? Did you know that mom?
" Yes, I did. So do you think you would fall off?"
"NO! That's crazy!"
"Ya, it kind of is. Did you learn that at school?"
"No, Reading Rainbow." "Hey, did the groundhog see his shadow or not?"


Glen Beck pays tribute to a prophet

I was a little disappointed in the lack of national media attention when President Hinkley passed away. I don't know what I expected. It's just hard to think that one of the most important and significant people in my life didn't deserve more than a quick blurp on most stations. I love that Glen Beck took a minute out of his coverage to pay tribute on national television.