Monday, October 8, 2007

Too much confidence?

After getting Hallee ready for school today she looked at herself in the mirror, smiled and then said, "Mom, you know what? Sometimes when I am at school I think I am the prettiest princess in the whole class but I don't ever tell anybody that cause I don't want them to feel sad." Ya know what Hals...I agree!


Brooke said...

IT'S TRUE, HALLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post-it Notes said...

Yay! I am so glad that you have a blog too. I love keeping in touch. What a beautiful new baby you have!! She is too cute and Hope sounds just as spunky as ever. Glad you guys are doing good. Oh, and I am ALWAYS up for a new project... what is it??? What is it???- Krista

Cathy said...

Oh, if only every child felt like they were a princess or a prince...and how amazing is it that she didn't tell anyone so that she wouldn't hurt their feelings. She is so sweet and sensitive...and has so many wonderful and special qualities about her. Let's hope that she feels that way about herself forever....a beautiful daughter of a Heavenly Father who wants her to always feel good about who she is. Think of the problems that children have because they don't know who they are and they don't feel good about themselves. Hallee you are a princess and someday will be a queen!

Josie said...

Oh my gosh Halle is the cutest. She's absolutely right. We hope elle grows up to be just like Halle! :)

Adree said...

Can I trade you children for awhile? Adi would have told everyone on purpose just to get a rise out of them.

Lindsay said...

I love it! You could only wish & hope that they will carry that kind of self-esteem throughout their lives!

Brittney said...

that is priceless. truly.