Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Best Day Ever!

"This was da best day EVER!" These are the words that make every parent wish they could freeze frame time and space and savor the moment! Hope and Hallee were ecstatic about our last family outing to the pumpkin patch where they got to run around wild looking for the perfect pumpkin. Add a small corn maze to the mix, dinner at Costa Vida, and a night of creative painting and WA-LA! you have it...the best day ever!


Tara Williams said...

Oh...I can't wait to hug and squish all my cute neices!!! I'm still planning on being there for Caymbree and Isabelle's 1st birthday!!!

tAy-Team said...

It was great to hear your "voice" on our blog. Your family is so doggone cute I can't stand it. Your blog inspired me to start my own. Thanks for giving me the kick in the pants that I needed.