Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I think I lost a few brain cells while I was sick resulting in a number of almost tragic mishaps and blunders. Last week I forgot about "wear your pj's to preschool day" until I went to pick Hope up and saw all the kids in their pj's. My heart sank and I braced myself for the scene that would have followed had this been my firstborn. I bravely walked up to the door and explained to her teacher what a dunce I was and asked if Hope was okay. She laughed and said, "she was fine." "In fact, she walked in, looked around and said, "Why are you guys wearing your pajama's? Don't you know your not suppose to wear your pajamas to preschool?"

And that was that.


Adree said...

oh my daughter would have freaked. I would have paid for that one for months.

Renzello said...

What an easy going girl! You are so lucky!

Kelli said...

I'm so sorry to hear you were sick! That really was a crazy week for you. What a cute little Hope! Isn't it crazy how different the middle child is compared to the first? If they are anything like mine that would mean completely opposite personalities!

Heather said...

Sounds like you were lucky with that one!:) I think I would have had the meltdown result:)

Cathy said...

That's what I call confidence...what a girl!

Tara Williams said...

That stinks about being so sick! When you're a mom, being sick is like the WORST thing!! I'm glad Troy stepped up to the bat, though. I'm glad you're feeling better.

Josie said...

That is so funny! I didn't realize that had happenned. I can just see her thinking "what were your moms thinking sending you to preschool like this?" So glad she didn't care.:)

Larsen's! said...

glad Lorren was able to sit for you...she said she had lots of fun! Check out some of our 2009 shoes on squeakers.com. Can't wait to see you next week - doing lunch right!??

daisy said...
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