Saturday, January 24, 2009

Conversations with Hope

While eating lunch at Arby's yesterday Hope noticed a table full of police officers. When we sat down Hope said very seriously. "Mom. We better not stand up while we are eating." (Usually I say, "sit down girls" at least twelve times during the meal). And then the conversation went as follows...
Me: "Why Hope?"
H: "See those police officers over there? They have guns. And if we stand up, they might shoot us?"
Me: (Laughing of course). No Hope. They won't shoot you. Policemen are here to protect us.
H: "Ya they will. If you break the rules, they will shoot you."
Me: "I promise they won't shoot you Hope. (More laughing). Then I notice that she won't take her eyes off of them for too long. Better safe than sorry right? Then she says, "See that thing on their shoulder? You know what that is for? Then she pretends like she has one and she "radios" some information.
Me: "How did you know that."
H: "I saw it on Mall Cop."

Pretty entertaining.

Another favorite conversation....
H: "Hey mom. Who are you in love with?"
Me: "Dad."
H: "So you want to kiss him?"
Me: "Ya, I like to kiss him."
H: "I'm in love with Cody (boy down the street that she talks to once a year).
Me: "Really?"
H: "Ya, I'm gonna kiss him and marry him someday."
Me: Speechless. Okay. Speechless with a lot of laughter, and a little concern.


slap said...

starts early huh!!!

Unknown said...

hurry, lock her in the basement.:)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, the mall cop story is hysterical!!!!