Hanna Montana came to visit. Yes, Grandma Larsen the Christmas money you gave her was well spent. She has not taken off this wig since she bought it and even went to play at her friends house tonight ....WITH the wig on.
Hanna Montana on drugs????
And for those of you with weak stomachs...look away now. Troy just about cut off his thumb working on the basement. We were minutes away from walking out the door to head to Logan and he thought he would go kill a few minutes downstairs. Next thing I know, I see blood and a white faced husband.
No need to worry. It's super glued together. :)
That wig is cracking me up!! What a character!
What a cute Hannah Montana! And that finger made me ill! Ouch!!!
Super glue? That's a nasty cut. Only your husband would be able to maintain consciousness while super glueing it back together. :) Wow! Glad you had a nice Christmas!
Jami that finger is disgusting. Seriously. And we LOVED having Hannah Montana over to our house. It's always a good time when she's around. Wonderful Job on your lesson today. Something I really needed to hear.
Oh, how gross that finger is. No hospital visit, just super-glue huh? I think I might even get tough Steve to the ER for that!! ewwwww!!! cute girls!!!
As long as I don't think about how that happened to Troy's finger, the picture doesn't make me sick. In fact, it's quite clean and rather interesting. Troy really is the jack of all trades.... including finger surgery!
Oh my gosh!!!! Not a great way to hear about my son's accident! Did he really supergule it himself? I have to go amd call 911, cause I feel faint. Troy....I'm gonna kick your behind.
Looks like he's joining the ranks with Jason - a project should never go smoothly!
Darling pics of your family, but of course you are always gorgeous!
Isn't working on the basement the best?! Its worth every injury, every fight, every swear word to have ours finished. Good luck...it'll all be worth it!
That is sad. Super glue works great!
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