Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Martha Stewart wannabe's

My mom, my sister and I threw a baby shower for my sister in law Rachel. It was so much fun but absolute CHAOS at times. Trying to keep six kids under the age of seven entertained, clean the house, prepare the food, and get ourselves ready proved to be no easy task. Luckily my dad stepped in and took the three oldest girls on a grandpa day for most part of the morning.

With about 45 minutes to go until guests arrived the kitchen looked like a tornado, I still did not have any make-up on, and we were still putting the last finishing touches on the food. Eeeekkkk!!! However, it came together like it always does and it was a fabulous day!

Need a fun idea for a party??? This strawberry topiary was a huge hit. We purchased the topiary from Hobby Lobby, then put toothpicks all over and then applied the strawberries stem first. We covered a cannery can with scrapbook paper and put the topiary in, add some tissue paper and ribbon and whaaaalllllaaaa---- Here's what you get.


Josie said...

WOW! Those are the cutest decorations ever. You guys are quite the talented girls. Sounds like you had a blast.

Tara said...

So so cute love that topiary got to do one day. I am loving your mom's new kitchen!!

Anonymous said...

It was a fun shower. We didn't intend staying as long as we did but the girl's were having so much fun that it was hard to break up the "dress up" party. My favorite comment of the day was when Adree say Bridger walk in and she said, "My anxiety level just went up about 12 notches!!". I thought she must be joking, that is her son, then I got to witness him roll in like a tornado and touch as many people as he could. He upset a few and the rest he just got wired up like himself. I don't know if I like the idea of this boy thing. Dress up, High School Musical shows and makeup all seem so much calmer to me now!!:-}

Post-it Notes said...

Love the topiary! What a great idea... and next time you're in Logan lets do lunch!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your talents puts us regular mortals to shame.... can I rent your services? The girls crack me up!

love ya,

Tristen said...

so cute my friend used to do that in Omaha I love it with all strawberries.

Tara Williams said...

What do you mean, "wannabe's"? You guys put ol' Martha to shame!!!

daisy said...

I can't believe you guys did all that yourselves. Seriously. It all looks so good and delicious. I'm hungry.

slap said...

I'll have to remember that topiary!! great ideas....wish I needed a shower for something!! you could be in charge for sure!! he-he Hope you guys are doing good!!!