Friday, January 9, 2009

Junk Food Junkies

Houston...we have a problem. My children are addicted to treats. Mostly Caymbree and Hope. You know it's bad when your 18 month old starts to flat out refuse dinner and cries for candy and treats instead. It only takes a matter of seconds for her to hear the pantry door open and she is right there at my feet crying and pointing in the direction of anything containing an absurd amount of sugar. Then there is Hope. Hope asks for a treat (snack) at least 15 times a day and by the ninth or tenth time it becomes more of a whine then a request. Things have gotten out of control.

So here we are on day three of my junk food nazi routine. The girls are allowed a SNACK around 10:30am, 2:00 pm and again when Hallee gets home from school at 4:00. So far the withdrawal effects have not been near as bad as I expected but we do still have the occasional throw yourself down on the floor, roll and thrash around at the base of the pantry door from Caymbree and a few whiny tears from Hope. The great side effect has been that it has made me re-think the snacks that I buy and even makes ME more aware of when and what I am snacking on.

Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.

Oh, and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Heather said...

We are having the same problem!! I think it is all the junk they have constantly been given over the holidays! Now they think that is just normal! It sure is a hard one to break, I hope we both figure it out soon because I am tired of fit throwing everytime it is time for a meal!:)

394bull said...



Tiffany G said...

You go girl! I feel your pain, and husbands do not seem to be on the same page. A forever battle - you can do it!

Brooke said...

Um, yeah... I'm probably not the one to give you advice. Any time we drive past any gas station my kids freak out and want to stop for treats. Ooops!

Tara said...

I am so excited to be getting back into the blogging world. I love love you blog it is so fun to read and look at thanks for being so amazing!! Good luck with the treat situation, I will be there if you need a shoulder to cry on!!haha

Tristen said...

My kids have gotten to be the same, they don't want candy, just fruit snacks all day long. That's all they ever ask for, except for Cade he asks for ribs for dinner every night. Sure, why don't I throw that together! About your comment, no I am not potty training - I wish, the special diapers are nighttime diapers that hold more that the regular diapers! She kept leaking out every night and it was getting to be a mess of wet pj's, blankets and sheets.

BigEd said...

It took me 30 years to wean myself from the after dinner cookie. Good luck!

Kelli said...

Well...I can promise you I'm not the one to give advice about this. Derek is just like that. am I.

So, the drive here from Draper takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes. Considering there isn't traffic, snow, etc. That's Brian's driving too, so you might want to give yourself 2 1/2 hours. My friend and I were just barely talking about coming next Wednesday and trying to figure out a way to get out of our kids basketball games so we can come. I'm hoping we make it! Are you coming by yourself?

Josie said...

How funny. I need help just getting Elle to eat period. She asks for food ALL day...takes three bites..and then she's full. AHHH!

Lindsay said...

I understand the sugar addictions & not only is it my girls, it's ME! I think the 3-a-day is a great idea I'm going to start to enforce! Thanks!