Thursday, August 28, 2008


So up until this point I have been saying that three kids hasn't been all that bad. In fact, it was a lot easier than I expected. I AM NOW OFFICIALLY RETRACTING THAT STATEMENT. Mostly in part to this one...

Now that Caymbree is mobile, into everything and extremely opinionated managing three kids has gotten a little more hectic. Good thing that she is a cute little stinker and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world... (although some days a big diet coke with fresh lime and a pedicure sounds like a pretty fair trade.)


Unknown said...

Hmmm, looks like a Hoper clone.

Kelli said...

I'm just impressed that it's been easy up to this point for you! How did you do that? Two was easy for me, but three? That did me in from day 1. So congrats on making it this far! My dad always said you weren't a real parent until you had three.

That is a really cute picture. Ya know, I really don't miss those messes! She's a cutie!

Lindsay said...

I'd like to add onto the trade a regular shopping spree, a house cleaner (which I desperately need), & a massage each week. I think then we would be in for a fair trade! :)

The Jensen 6 said...

The real question is...where do you go from here. Four?

Joni said...

I've heard 3 is tricky. I was hoping to hear that it was just as easy as 1 or 2. Bummer. At least you made it this far!

Joni said...
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Anonymous said...

Yah, but they are so dang cute!

Evecall said...

HA! Just be glad she is not a boy! Then you would need weekly therapy treatments as well! I am just barely feeling like I can get through the day without screaming in my closet! Maybe because he is in PreK five days a week! I think that is why Heavenly Father makes them so cute or we wouldn't be able to deal when you walk into the kitchen and there is Hot Cocoa powder on every surface!

Tara said...

oh she is too cute, but three kids that are talking and running and very emotional gets a little tricky.

JLJ said...

It is so funny how one day you can really feel like 'hey, I'm not so bad at this mothering stuff,' then the next day it just gets thrown in your face. It keeps us humble I guess.

Tara Williams said...

Ummm, you're making me start to doubt my own 3-kids scenario! Maybe I'll just stop at 2, yeah?

Josie said...

WOW- you're really giving me something to look forward to. Like everyone said good thing they're all so dang cute.