Thursday, August 7, 2008


Ya. We've got problems. And we are trying to work through them but it's not going so well. We are all a little obsessed around here...
Caymbree: Caymbree is obsessed with the word (hmmm. "Word" doesn't quite describe it. Scream perhaps?) anyhow... Caymbree is obsessed with screaming "Moooooommmmmm" every few seconds. I should be flattered but I've learned it has nothing to do with me. I'm not even sure if she realizes that is my title. For her it's more of a way to get someones attention, to get noticed, to hear her own voice, OR to express frustration. It's kinda the catch phrase for EVERYTHING.
Hope: Still obsessed with gum. And gum. And yet more gum. The only time she isn't asking for gum is when she is eating string cheese; her second obsession.
Hallee: We lost Hallee a while ago when we finally broke down and got the Disney Channel. Our poor neglected child apparently has a LOT of catching up to do and if there is ever a spare second she is in front of the t.v.
Jami: Hello. My name is Jami. And I'm a Diet Coke addict.
Troy: Troy is obsessed with money. Clarification: Not Spending money. Nothing new.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think Hoper is still obsessed with lip gloss. I saw her climb up some kitchen cupboards to get some lip gloss that she liberally applied to her lips.