Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Just when I am getting in the swing of things. Just when I am starting to really love the cute activity day girls and plan some fun activities. And then it comes. Only six months into the calling (and a year into my youth gospel doctrine teacher) I got the call into the Bishops office. I assumed it was to be released from one of the two callings so imagine my shock when I was called to be the second counselor in the Relief Society Presidency. I really don't have any idea what he said next because all I heard in my mind over and over again was "Enrichment, enrichment, enrichment." And then I got kind of nauseous....

So here I am begging for help. I need some fresh ideas. ANY ideas. What are some of your weekly small activities that have been successful? Great enrichment night ideas? Any strong medications you would recommend :)

I guess I'm jumping in with both feet but completely blindfolded. First activity is TONIGHT (approximately 48 hours since calling was issued). Oh, wish me luck.


Joni said...

Um, hello! I hear you! Although, I wish I were still in the Relief Society Presidency. I think enrichment is easier to deal with than scouts. Anyway, we have a weekly playgroup, every couple of months we did a freezer meal group (I can give you more info on that if you want), and we talked about coupon clipping classes and even card making/scrapbooking (it's hard because you want to include everybody, but not everybody is interested and so you kind of plan several activities so that, hopefully, everybody will get to one activity a month). I love sugardoodle.net. It usually has a lot of ideas. Check it out and good luck!

Tara Williams said...

I aggree with Joni...Sugardoodle is awsome and I also like theideadoor.com. I will check with my mom-in-law for enrichment ideas and email them to you asap. Hang in there and know that the Lord didnt just call someone...He called YOU!!! I know how you feel and I promise you'll be fine. Just stay positive or you'll hyperventilate. :~)

smithfamilymoments said...

You have no need to worry. You will be perfect! I don't know anyone who is more ambitious and a go getter than you. So just relax and trust yourself, you'ss do great!

Kelli said...

I agree Jami - you will do wonderful! I couldn't think of a better person to plan fun activities! That is a tough calling and I wish I could help. I had to do that in Logan. I use the Sugardoodle website all the time with Primary and it's really helpful! You'll do great!

Mrs. Budge said...

Well I believe it is a very inspired calling for you, you will be perfect, in fact I can't imagine anybody better. You are a very creative and thoughtful person, you will love it. I had that calling in my last ward, so if I can do it, you'll blow it out of the water. My ward did the book group, the freezer group (I love that) a play group, a temple group. I think it all depends on the dynamics of your ward, our ward doesn't do many weekly activities just quarterly. Good Luck and if you ever want to do a service auction (that is lots of fun) I helped my ward do one last night so I can pass on information if you need it.

Jenn said...

I have a feeling that you're going to be a lot better at this calling than you realize. I wish I had some good ideas, but at the moment nothing comes to mind. But good luck!:)

Brooke said...

Congrats, Jami. Seriously. My wish for you is that the YW Pres in your ward is as awesome as you were and that she will put on a fabulous fashion show for your next RS Dinner. :)

You are awesome! Never fear!

Post-it Notes said...

You will do great although Im sure its overwhelming. Knowing you, you will come up with great enrichment ideas but I will keep my eyes open for anything to pass along to you. Congrats on your new calling..hehehe :)

Anonymous said...

You'll do great! Just be prepared for the DRAMA! I hear theres a lot.

Tristen said...

I'm sure you will be great Jami. RS is a little overwhelming, but so fun. I was on the Enrichment board, in Omaha for almost the entire time we were there, it was challenging, but very fun.