Thursday, July 31, 2008

No Pity necessary

So I ran into an acquaintance from Logan the other day and we had the typical small chat conversation....

"So, how are you? Where do you live? Are you working? And then the one that stops them dead in their tracks every time. Actually it's not the question but the response....

"So how many kids do you have?" And when I respond happily with "three girls" their face goes kind of numb. Not sure whether to smile, frown or gasp. Well most of them anyway. This one just put it all out there. "Oh, I am SO sorry." Pity oozed from her.

Now seriously folks. Really. No pity necessary. I LOVE having girls. I have friends for life , a plethora of shopping partners and I get to buy boat loads of pink girly things. Now, in a few years when I have three teenage girls THEN you can pity me. But now, it's really not necessary.


smithfamilymoments said...

Sometimes I think people talk before they think. If she only knew your three adorable girls, her response would be much different. You are one blessed mommy!

Joni said...

You have to love those people that think there is only one ideal sort of family even amount of boys and girls. How boring would life be?!

Adree said...

The only way I could do it is if they all acted like sweet hallee. Could you imagine 3 adi's???? I can't.

Chelsea said...

Ha ha...I have felt like this since the day I had twins. EVERYWHERE I go people will say "I'm so sorry". Pretty funny, but yes I understand the no pity needed! I think we're both pretty lucky:)

JLJ said...

Ok. #1 Why would anyone say "sorry" about any amount or gender of kids! That bugs. Grrr. #2 (less agitated) I always wanted five girls, like the March sisters, so I seriously don't get the sympathy. Girls rule!

crosbiefamily said...

I am on your same track as well and you are right, no pity necessary. I had to laugh at your post on my blog about cookie cutter kids. Because when you look at a picture of all three of your girls it is like looking at the same child just at a different stage in their life. Thanks again for helping out my blog. I love it. Will I see you this weekend at Gma and Gpa's anniversary dinner? Also my close friend Cindy might be calling you. She is just having a hard time applying her template. I had to confess at that point that I had your help doing that.
Take Care.

BigEd said...

Clearly that individual doesn't have much tact. It's not like you have 10 girls. Come on, even then you should still probably assume that people choose to have, and love their children. Seriously.

Lindsay said...

HA! HA! This is my conversation A LOT & their jaws drop first when I say I have 4 kids & then to the floor when I say they are all girls! I love my girls but I have to admit there are those certain days when I am're right, poor me! :)

Mrs. Budge said...

Amen, the best thing is best friends for life.

Brooke said...

I feel your pain, but in the opposite gender department. FOUR BOYS!!!?????? Really, people have nearly wept for me. And they're totally serious! So wierd! But I'm with you... right now it's great! It's when I have to feed them as teenagers or send them all out on missions sometimes two at a time that I will need a shoulder to cry on. :)

Love ya, Jami, and your beautiful gals too.