Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We had babies!!!

And by "we" I mean Ruby (the robin that I affectionately just named for the purpose of this post). Ruby became part of the family when she built her nest right outside our window filling our days with the anxious anticipation of our new additions. First we saw the eggs. Three of them to be exact. Bright blue about the size of a quarter.

And then they made their debut...

Can you see the little guy with mouth wide open waiting for his mamma to feed him?

Same shot just with mouth closed

This is RuDy. The dad. Did you know that dad Robins take a very active role in feeding their babies?

Seriously. I'm getting a little attached to these little fellas and sad to know that they won't be here much longer. I cannot BELIEVE how fast they grow. A few days ago they were just little balls of feathers but it seems like they are getting bigger by the second. Mr. Google says they will probably take flight in 10-14 days. It will be a sad day at the Hodges house. In the meantime we will just continue to enjoy watching this miracle of life take place right before our eyes.

1 comment:

Joni said...

Do you remember when Grandma had baby robins on her front porch and made them bonnets? We had some baby robins a few years ago (they built a nest in a rose bush right next to our garden and we were attacked every time we went out) and I thought about getting Grandma to make bonnets for them. It still cracks me up that she did that!